Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reportase Konferensi Pers "You're My Pet" di Bandara Ibaraki - “You’re My Pet” Press Conference at Ibaraki Airport (Broadcast by Suk Baidu Bar)

Pictures of the venue as below show fine weather, although previously rain has been predicted. Ibaraki Airport looks quite deserted, but fans are lining up to enter the venue.
Gambar venue dibawah menunjukkan cuaca yang cerah walaupun sebelumnya diprediksi akan turun hujan. Bandara Ibaraki terlihat sepi tapi banyak fans mengantri untuk masuk ke venue. 

At around 5 to 10 minutes before the conference started, a briefing was conducted to inform that videography is strictly forbidden (photography was allowed) but no one was allowed to stand on their chair to take a photo. Yesterday through his Japanese official website, Jang Keun Suk revealed that he initially wanted to make a grand entrance by driving a Ferrari in, but he could not find one to borrow, so he had to scrap his plans. Sekitar 5 - 10 menit sebelum konferensi pers dimulai, dilakukan briefing untuk menginformasikan bahwa pengambilan video dilarang (pengambilan foto diijinkan) dan melarang siapapun berdiri di atas kursi untuk mengambil foto. Kemarin melalui website resminya untuk fans Jepang, Jang Geun Suk mengungkapkan bahwa ia mulanya ingin hadir dengan mengendarai ferari tapi ia tak bisa menemukannya (ferari) untuk dipinjam, jadi ia terpaksa mengubah rencananya.

JKS came in a convertible, waving and blowing kisses. On stage, he greeted the fans. He’s wearing a dark blue jacket with his black hair tied up, his fringe parting at the side. Looked so sexy! Japanese fan’s Twitter described that “He looks just a school teacher or gun sama”. He’s speaking in Japanese on the spot, and also made a mould of his hand – this time, he remembered to take off his ring before doing that! His handprint will be left at Ibaraki airport as a keep-sake. When the second male lead Choi Jong Hoon (FT Island leader) was making his handprint, JKS mischievously pressed his hand on top of Jong Hoon’s! JKS also said a line that must have made all the eels swoon – “I wanna be your pet!” Jang Geun Suk datang sambil duduk di atas mobil terbuka, melambaikan tangan, dan blowing kisses.  Ia memakai jaket biru tua dengan rambutnya yang diikat keatas. Fans dari Jepang menjelaskan dari twitternya "Ia (Jang Geun Suk) terlihat seperti guru atau gun sama" haha... Ia langsung berbicara dalam bahasa Jepang, dan ia juga membuat handprint yang akan disimpan di Bandara Ibaraki. Saat giliran cast Choi Jong Hoon (FT Island leader) membuat handprint, Jang Geun Suk dengan sengaja menekan tangan Jong Hoon !! hahahaha.......

JKS said that he had started the related practice and preparation for his character last year. After a long break, he started on his character again these 3 months, but the difficulty level is higher. JKS said that Jong Hoon has passion because he kept calling JKS to ask about many things. Jang Geun Suk mengatakan bahwa ia telah mulai latihan dan persiapan untuk memerankan karakter (di You Are My Pet) tahun lalu. Setelah jeda yang cukup lama, ia mulai lagi mempersiapkan diri untuk karakter itu 3 bulan yang lalu dengan tingkat kesulitan yang lebih besar. Jang Geun Suk juga mengungkapkan bahwa Jong Hoon sangat bersemangat karena ia terus menelponnya utk bertanya segala hal. Indonesian Translation by

for more pictures, click here 

credit: sukbar - repost from

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