Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ribuan Fans Menyambut Jang Geun Suk di China dan Thailand - Jang Geun Suk greeted by thousands of fans in China and Thailand

Ribuan Fans Menyambut Jang Geun Suk di China dan Thailand

Aktor Jang Geun Suk memulai promosinya di Asia tahun ini, dimulai dari China tanggal 2 Januari 2011. Kunjungan Jang Geun Suk di China untuk syuting CF dan kegiatan2 terjadwal lainnya. Di bandara, Jang Geun Suk disambut ratusan fans yang memegang spanduk2 dan hadiah2.

Setelah menyelesaikan jadwalnya di Chia, ia berangkat ke Thailand tanggal 5 Januari 2011. Di bandara Thailand, ia juga disambut oleh ratusan fans. Polisi terpaksa harus turun tangan disana untuk menangani kerumunan massa. Ia akan hadir dalam konferensi pers ole tgl 8 Januari 2011. indonesian translation by Nae @ 

Credit: (article) & (picture)

Jang Geun Suk greeted by thousands of fans in China and Thailand

Actor Jang Geun Suk began his promotions in Asia this year, starting with China on January 2nd.
The actor made a visit to the country for a CF shoot and other scheduled activities, and was greeted by hundreds of fans holding placards and gifts at the airport.
After completing his schedules, he left for Thailand on the 5th, and was greeted by hundreds of fans once more.  Police were forced to make an appearance on the scene in order to handle the crowd.
He’ll be holding a press conference with various Thai press on the 8th.

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