Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
[Picture] Jang Geun Suk @ Hongkong Press Conference (April 29, 2011)
Konferensi pers di Hongkong hari ini (29 April 2011) berlangsung dengan sangat singkat (sekitar 20 menit). Jang Geun Suk tampil, cium jauh untuk fans, berbicara sebentar untuk mempromosikan aktivitasnya, acara pemecahan pahatan es, pemotongan cake dan terakhir mengucapkan sampai jumpa besok (di FM).... Orang tua Jang Geun Suk juga terlihat menghadiri acara konferensi pers. Dikabarkan bahwa eels Hongkong menyumbangkan uang (15,000 HK dollar) atas nama Jang Geun Suk untuk Jepang, dan Jang Geun Suk secara simbolis menyerahkan sumbangan dalam acara tersebut. Eels Hongkong juga menghadiahkan iPad2 untuk Jang Geun Suk. Ia terlihat sangat senang saat menerimanya..... indonesian translation by Nae ~
Today’s press conference in Hong Kong was short. JKS appeared, blew kisses at fans, talked a bit to promote his activities, ice-breaking ceremony, cut the cake and said see you tomorrow …And Hong Kong eels donated a sum of money towards the Japan earthquake relief efforts, so presumably JKS presented the cheque to charity. They also gave an iPad2 as present to JKS! He was very happy when he got it... JKS’ parents were also there. His mother goes with him to all his overseas performance.
Today’s press conference in Hong Kong was short. JKS appeared, blew kisses at fans, talked a bit to promote his activities, ice-breaking ceremony, cut the cake and said see you tomorrow …And Hong Kong eels donated a sum of money towards the Japan earthquake relief efforts, so presumably JKS presented the cheque to charity. They also gave an iPad2 as present to JKS! He was very happy when he got it... JKS’ parents were also there. His mother goes with him to all his overseas performance.
Credits: KeunSukChina, cri-p, 無敵LOLIxi:and Kathryn on Sina, as marked
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Insiden di Bandara Hongkong - Jang Keun Suk Arrived in Hongkong (April 28, 2011)
Pesawat Jang Geun Suk mendarat sekitar jam 10.30 pm tapi perlu waktu satu jam untuk keluar dari bandara,
Berikut keterangan dari salah seorang eels yang ada di bandara (via sina):
Mokka_JKS: Saya melihat Suk! Keluar dari kerumunan orang-orang dan menaiki eskalator menuju kami. Tapi reporter-reporter kasar terus saja mendorong kami. Merekalah yang mengerumuninya (suk). Kami tidak berteriak2 atau mendorong mereka, tapi reporter2 itulah yang terus mendorong dan banyak eels yang terpukul jatuh. Saya melihat Suk kehilangan senyumnya. Mudah2an Jang Geun Suk dan HS Media bisa melihat situasi ini dengan jelas, kami eels benar-benar tak berdaya. indonesian translation by
The plane landed at around 10.30 pm but apparently, it took about an hour for JKS to come out.
Updates from eels on Sina:
Mokka_JKS: I saw Suk! Coming out from a heaving crowd and stepping on the escalator coming towards us. But those rough reporters kept pushing us. They are the ones who surrounded him. We did not scream or push towards them, but it’s those reporters who kept shoving and many eels had been knocked around. I saw Suk lose his smile. Hope JKS and HS Media see the situation clearly, us eels are also helpless.
Foto dibawah ini diambil oleh Wayne L yang kebetulan lewat di bandara Hongkong. Dia berkomentar,"ini pertama kalinya saya melihat kerumunan penyambutan idola yang terlihat menakutkan di bandara. Tapi siapa sih Jang Keun Suk?!"
The below pic was posted by a passer-by Wayne L at Hong Kong airport. His actual words were “first time seeing such a scary idol-greeting crowd at the airport. But who is Jang Keun Suk?!” ( 第一次在机场遇到这么恐怖的粉丝接机团。可是,到底谁是张根硕啊?!)
[MP3 Download Link] Oh My Darling by Jang Keun Suk
credit chibicheek via cri j indonesia fb
Download link "Oh My Darling" by Jang Keun Suk
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Jang Geun Suk top Oricon daily singles chart (April 27, 2011)
Artis Kpop membuktikan kekuatan posisi mereka di pasar musik Jepang. Jang Geun Suk dan SNSD telah mengamankan 2 peringkat teratas di Oricon daily singles charts hari ini. Single Jepang Jang Geun Suk “Let me cry” terjual sebanyak 56,923 copies yang menempatkannya di peringkat teratas. Di peringkat kedua adalah SNSD, yang merilis single terbaru mereka “MR. TAXI/ Run Devil Run.” dengan penjualan sebanyak 40,194 copies. Sementara Kobukuro meraih peringkat ketiga dengan penjualan sebanyak 16, 788 copies dari single baru mereka “Ano taiyo ga kono sekai wo terashi tsuzukeru yoni“. Angka penjualan single Jang Geun Suk dan SNSD terlihat jelas memiliki selisih yang sangat jauh dibanding penjualan single lainnya.Walaupun baru dirilis hari ini, besar kemungkinan penjualan single Jang Geun Suk dan SNSD bisa menempati posisi teratas di Oricon rankings mingguan. indonesian translation by
from allkpop Via tokyohive:
Kpop artists are proving to be a strong force in the Japanese music market. Jang Geun Suk and SNSD have secured the top two places in today’s Oricon daily singles charts.
Jang Geun Suk’s Japanese debut single “Let me cry” sold 56,923 copies which placed him first. This was above top idol group SNSD, who released their new single “MR. TAXI/ Run Devil Run.” SNSD sold 40,194 copies falling just short of Jang geun Suk at second place. Third place was Kobukuro who sold 16, 788 copies of their new single “Ano taiyo ga kono sekai wo terashi tsuzukeru yoni“. It is quite obvious that both Jang Geun Suk and SNSD have separated themselves from the rest of the pack.
Although this is only the first day of release, it is possible that we can have high expectations that both Jang geun Suk and SNSD are capable for taking the top spot in the Oricon weekly rankings.
Source: ORICON
from allkpop Via tokyohive:
Kpop artists are proving to be a strong force in the Japanese music market. Jang Geun Suk and SNSD have secured the top two places in today’s Oricon daily singles charts.
Jang Geun Suk’s Japanese debut single “Let me cry” sold 56,923 copies which placed him first. This was above top idol group SNSD, who released their new single “MR. TAXI/ Run Devil Run.” SNSD sold 40,194 copies falling just short of Jang geun Suk at second place. Third place was Kobukuro who sold 16, 788 copies of their new single “Ano taiyo ga kono sekai wo terashi tsuzukeru yoni“. It is quite obvious that both Jang Geun Suk and SNSD have separated themselves from the rest of the pack.
Although this is only the first day of release, it is possible that we can have high expectations that both Jang geun Suk and SNSD are capable for taking the top spot in the Oricon weekly rankings.
Source: ORICON
[Video] [Written Transcript: Indonesian-English] TBS Press Conference - "Hottest Kiss"
**** Dalam kehidupan nyata, siapa yang dipilih Moon Geun Young? Mu Gyul atau Jung In? *****
Jang Geun Suk: Terima kasih atas kedatangannya, hari ini adalah hari pertama untuk M3 (Mary Me Mary!) bertemu fans Jepang. Mudah-mudahan kalian semua mendukung drama ini.
Moon Geun Young: Halo, semuanya.Terima kasih atas kedatangannya. Mudah-mudahan semua bisa menyukai M3.
Q: Silahkan perkenalkan karakter yang Anda perankan
Jang Geun Suk: Saya memainkan peran sebagai Mu Gyul. Ia adalah orang yang sangat bebas, tidak mau dibatasi oleh uang dan lingkungannya. Ia memainkan musik yang dia suka, hidup dengan bebasnya di Hongdae. Ia tidak percaya akan cinta. Tapi ketika bertemu Mary, ia jatuh cinta untuk yang pertama kalinya, dan bahkan mulai mempertimbangkan untuk melanjutkan ke pernikahan. Di proses ini, ia secara perlahan beranjak dewasa. So selama syuting drama ini, saya juga tumbuh dewasa bersamanya (Mu Gyul).
Moon Geun Young: Saya memerankan Mary yang yang optimis, apa adanya. Bahkan di kondisi yang tersulit pun, dia masih sangat optimis, dan aktif menaklukkan segala kesulitan yang menghadang, suatu peran yang penuh dengan energi. Dan juga ia adalah seseorang dengan semangat yang menghangatkan Mu Gyul dan Jung In .
Q: Bagaimana perasaan (Anda) terhadap penyiaran M3 di Jepang?
Moon Geun Young: (Ketika mengetahui) Drama korea kami bisa disiarkan di Jepang, (saya merasa) terkejut dan cemas. Drama ini dibuat dalam nuansa Korea, (saya) tidak tahu apakah (drama ini nantinya) akan populer, namun (saya) sangat bahagia (drama M3 bisa disiarkan di Jepang).
Q: Berakting sebagai penyanyi dalam dua drama, apa bedanya?
Jang Geun Suk: Hwang Tae Kyung adalah anggota band idola, sedangkan Mu Gyul membenci produksi musik atau band idola. Jadi ia bermain musik di jalan, atau mengadakan pertunjukan di pub. Ia mencintai musiknya sendiri. Mereka sangat berbeda dalam hal ini. Tae Kyung juga merupakan orang yang perfeksionis, menginginkan kesempurnaan dalam hidupnya. Sementara Mu Gyul hidup dengan bebasnya dan tak mau diatur2. Jadi meskipun ia (Mu Gyul) tidak punya uang, ia hidup dengan sangat bahagia Saya pikir dia adalah orang yang baik.
Q: Mu Gyul atau Jung In, mana yang menarik Anda dalam kehidupan nyata?
Moon Geun Young: (Kalau dilihat) dari perasaan (mereka), tidak ada perbedaan diantara mereka. Tapi (jika dilihat) dari cinta, Mu Gyul lebih menarik. Ia berani mengorbankan apa pun, dan dapat mengumpulkan keberaniannya. Sementara Jung In kurang antusias, tetapi (saya) lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan dia, dan ada beberapa kelebihan lainnya. Keduanya sangat menarik (jika dilihat) dari beberapa aspek.
Jang Geun Suk: Ketika syuting drama, ada adegan yang membuat (saya) cemas. Adegan ciuman di gang sepertinya adalah ciuman terpanas (yang pernah saya lakukan) sampai sekarang, dan adegan tersebut harus bisa menggetarkan. Jadi saya berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk adegan tersebut. Mudah-mudahan semua menyukainya- indonesian translation by
Jang Keun Suk :thanks for coming here today, today is the first day for M3 meeting Japanese fans.Wish all of you support this drama
Moon Geun Young:hello,everyone.Thanks for all coming here all the way.Wish all would like M3.
Q:please introduce your roles
Jang Keun Suk:I played a role as Mu Gyul.He is very free person,won't be constrained by money and the environment he is in.He does the music he wants to ,lives freely in Hongdae.He doesn't believe love,but when he meets Mary,he senses love at first time,and even begins to consider marriage sincerely.In this process,he becomes mature gradually.So while filming this drama,I seems to grow mature with him.
Moon Geun Young: As Mary I act optimistic,forthright person.Even if in the hard circumstance,she is still very optimistic,and conquer the difficulty actively,a role full of energy.And also a person with vigor warms Mu Gyul and Jung In.
Q: How about (your)feeling of M3 broadcasting in Japan?
Moon Geun Young:Our korean hard-making drama can be broadcasted in Japan,which is surprising and worring.After the drama is filmed in the form of Korean mode,don't know whether it will be popular,but still very happy.
Q:Acted as singers in two works,what's the difference?
Jang Keun Suk: Hwang Tae Kyung is a member of idol band,while Mu Gyul hates the music production or the idol band.So he performs on the street,or do the live show in pub.He loves his own music.They differs in this respect.Moreover,Tae Kyung is a perfectionist,wish he is perfect,while Mu Gyul is free and unrestrained.So even though he has no money,he lives very happily.I think he is such a good person.
Q:Mu Gyul or Jung In,which one will attract you in real life?
Moon Geun Young:from the feelings,there is no difference between them.But from love,Mu Gyul is more attractive,he dares to give up anything,and can summon up courage while Jung In is less enthusiastic,But can communicate with him easily,and the other conditions are good.They two are very charming man from some aspects.
Jang Keun Suk:When shooting,there still has scenes which (I was)worried.The alley kiss scene should be the hottest kiss up to now,should be a explosion scene.So I work very hard on the scene...Hope you would like it.
[c] innolife
Translated by: Vam@ggcbaidu & Admin Jas/psycho_js@ggcbaidu
Jang Geun Suk: Terima kasih atas kedatangannya, hari ini adalah hari pertama untuk M3 (Mary Me Mary!) bertemu fans Jepang. Mudah-mudahan kalian semua mendukung drama ini.
Moon Geun Young: Halo, semuanya.Terima kasih atas kedatangannya. Mudah-mudahan semua bisa menyukai M3.
Q: Silahkan perkenalkan karakter yang Anda perankan
Jang Geun Suk: Saya memainkan peran sebagai Mu Gyul. Ia adalah orang yang sangat bebas, tidak mau dibatasi oleh uang dan lingkungannya. Ia memainkan musik yang dia suka, hidup dengan bebasnya di Hongdae. Ia tidak percaya akan cinta. Tapi ketika bertemu Mary, ia jatuh cinta untuk yang pertama kalinya, dan bahkan mulai mempertimbangkan untuk melanjutkan ke pernikahan. Di proses ini, ia secara perlahan beranjak dewasa. So selama syuting drama ini, saya juga tumbuh dewasa bersamanya (Mu Gyul).
Moon Geun Young: Saya memerankan Mary yang yang optimis, apa adanya. Bahkan di kondisi yang tersulit pun, dia masih sangat optimis, dan aktif menaklukkan segala kesulitan yang menghadang, suatu peran yang penuh dengan energi. Dan juga ia adalah seseorang dengan semangat yang menghangatkan Mu Gyul dan Jung In .
Q: Bagaimana perasaan (Anda) terhadap penyiaran M3 di Jepang?
Moon Geun Young: (Ketika mengetahui) Drama korea kami bisa disiarkan di Jepang, (saya merasa) terkejut dan cemas. Drama ini dibuat dalam nuansa Korea, (saya) tidak tahu apakah (drama ini nantinya) akan populer, namun (saya) sangat bahagia (drama M3 bisa disiarkan di Jepang).
Q: Berakting sebagai penyanyi dalam dua drama, apa bedanya?
Jang Geun Suk: Hwang Tae Kyung adalah anggota band idola, sedangkan Mu Gyul membenci produksi musik atau band idola. Jadi ia bermain musik di jalan, atau mengadakan pertunjukan di pub. Ia mencintai musiknya sendiri. Mereka sangat berbeda dalam hal ini. Tae Kyung juga merupakan orang yang perfeksionis, menginginkan kesempurnaan dalam hidupnya. Sementara Mu Gyul hidup dengan bebasnya dan tak mau diatur2. Jadi meskipun ia (Mu Gyul) tidak punya uang, ia hidup dengan sangat bahagia Saya pikir dia adalah orang yang baik.
Q: Mu Gyul atau Jung In, mana yang menarik Anda dalam kehidupan nyata?
Moon Geun Young: (Kalau dilihat) dari perasaan (mereka), tidak ada perbedaan diantara mereka. Tapi (jika dilihat) dari cinta, Mu Gyul lebih menarik. Ia berani mengorbankan apa pun, dan dapat mengumpulkan keberaniannya. Sementara Jung In kurang antusias, tetapi (saya) lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan dia, dan ada beberapa kelebihan lainnya. Keduanya sangat menarik (jika dilihat) dari beberapa aspek.
Jang Geun Suk: Ketika syuting drama, ada adegan yang membuat (saya) cemas. Adegan ciuman di gang sepertinya adalah ciuman terpanas (yang pernah saya lakukan) sampai sekarang, dan adegan tersebut harus bisa menggetarkan. Jadi saya berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk adegan tersebut. Mudah-mudahan semua menyukainya- indonesian translation by
Jang Keun Suk :thanks for coming here today, today is the first day for M3 meeting Japanese fans.Wish all of you support this drama
Moon Geun Young:hello,everyone.Thanks for all coming here all the way.Wish all would like M3.
Q:please introduce your roles
Jang Keun Suk:I played a role as Mu Gyul.He is very free person,won't be constrained by money and the environment he is in.He does the music he wants to ,lives freely in Hongdae.He doesn't believe love,but when he meets Mary,he senses love at first time,and even begins to consider marriage sincerely.In this process,he becomes mature gradually.So while filming this drama,I seems to grow mature with him.
Moon Geun Young: As Mary I act optimistic,forthright person.Even if in the hard circumstance,she is still very optimistic,and conquer the difficulty actively,a role full of energy.And also a person with vigor warms Mu Gyul and Jung In.
Q: How about (your)feeling of M3 broadcasting in Japan?
Moon Geun Young:Our korean hard-making drama can be broadcasted in Japan,which is surprising and worring.After the drama is filmed in the form of Korean mode,don't know whether it will be popular,but still very happy.
Q:Acted as singers in two works,what's the difference?
Jang Keun Suk: Hwang Tae Kyung is a member of idol band,while Mu Gyul hates the music production or the idol band.So he performs on the street,or do the live show in pub.He loves his own music.They differs in this respect.Moreover,Tae Kyung is a perfectionist,wish he is perfect,while Mu Gyul is free and unrestrained.So even though he has no money,he lives very happily.I think he is such a good person.
Q:Mu Gyul or Jung In,which one will attract you in real life?
Moon Geun Young:from the feelings,there is no difference between them.But from love,Mu Gyul is more attractive,he dares to give up anything,and can summon up courage while Jung In is less enthusiastic,But can communicate with him easily,and the other conditions are good.They two are very charming man from some aspects.
Jang Keun Suk:When shooting,there still has scenes which (I was)worried.The alley kiss scene should be the hottest kiss up to now,should be a explosion scene.So I work very hard on the scene...Hope you would like it.
[c] innolife
Translated by: Vam@ggcbaidu & Admin Jas/psycho_js@ggcbaidu
Jang Geun Suk "Typhoon" Releases Japanese Debut Single “Let Me Cry”
Debut single Jepang "Let Me Cry" Jang Geun Suk telah dirilis di Jepang pada tanggal 27 April 2011. Single album ini sudah terjual lebih dari 150.000 eks SEBELUM dirilis awal bulan ini dan menempati peringkat #1 dalam peringkat prajual di "HMV" -situs terkemuka di Jepang. Meski telah membintangi sejumlah drama TV dan film, Jang Geun Suk tidak pernah merilis album musik sendiri sebelumnya. Single ini awalnya direncanakan untuk dirilis pada tanggal 23 Maret 2011 lalu yang akhirnya ditunda sekitar sebulan karena bencana tsunami di Jepang. "Karena terjadi musibah gempa dan tsunami yang tak terduga, saya menunda rilis album single saya selama hampir sebulan. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penggemar saya yang sudah menunggu begitu lama. Saya berharap mereka benar-benar menyukai lagu-lagu saya, "kata Jang Geun Suk dalam sebuah pernyataan melalui perwakilannya.
Di Jepang, Jang Geun Suk dijuluki "topan" yang mengacu pada ledakan popularitasnya. Dia baru-baru ini menghadiri konferensi pers di Jepang untuk film terbarunya "You're My Pet" dan telah terpilih sebagai model utama untuk Suntory Seoul Makkoli dan juga Nature Republic di Jepang. indonesian translation by
from soompi
Jang Geun Suk’s Japanese debut single “Let Me Cry” has been released in Japan on Apr. 27th. This single album already sold over 150,000 copies prior to its release earlier this month as it ranked #1 in the pre-sales ranking of “HMV,” Japan’s leading record site. Despite starring in a number of TV dramas and movies, Jang Geun Suk has never released his own music album in the past. The single was initially set for release on Mar. 23rd, however, due to the tsunami disaster in Japan, he postponed it for about a month. “Because of the unexpected earthquake and tsunami attacks, I had to push back my single album release for almost a month. I would like to thank my fans for waiting so long. I hope they really like my songs,” Jang Geun Suk said in a statement through his agency.
In Japan, Jang Geun Suk is being described as a “typhoon,” referring to his explosive popularity. He recently held a press conference in Japan for his latest film “You’re My Pet,” and has been selected as the main model for Suntory Seoul Makkoli and Nature Republic in Japan as well. His new single is only expected to boost his already growing prominence in Japan.
Korean article by girlalice@soompi; English translation by thunderstix@soompi
Di Jepang, Jang Geun Suk dijuluki "topan" yang mengacu pada ledakan popularitasnya. Dia baru-baru ini menghadiri konferensi pers di Jepang untuk film terbarunya "You're My Pet" dan telah terpilih sebagai model utama untuk Suntory Seoul Makkoli dan juga Nature Republic di Jepang. indonesian translation by
from soompi
Jang Geun Suk’s Japanese debut single “Let Me Cry” has been released in Japan on Apr. 27th. This single album already sold over 150,000 copies prior to its release earlier this month as it ranked #1 in the pre-sales ranking of “HMV,” Japan’s leading record site. Despite starring in a number of TV dramas and movies, Jang Geun Suk has never released his own music album in the past. The single was initially set for release on Mar. 23rd, however, due to the tsunami disaster in Japan, he postponed it for about a month. “Because of the unexpected earthquake and tsunami attacks, I had to push back my single album release for almost a month. I would like to thank my fans for waiting so long. I hope they really like my songs,” Jang Geun Suk said in a statement through his agency.
In Japan, Jang Geun Suk is being described as a “typhoon,” referring to his explosive popularity. He recently held a press conference in Japan for his latest film “You’re My Pet,” and has been selected as the main model for Suntory Seoul Makkoli and Nature Republic in Japan as well. His new single is only expected to boost his already growing prominence in Japan.
Korean article by girlalice@soompi; English translation by thunderstix@soompi
[News] TBS “Marry me Mary” press conference
Pada tanggal 26 April, Jang Geun Suk dan Moon Geun Young menghadiri konferensi pers untuk penayangan drama "Marry Me Mary" (M3) di stasiun TV TBS Jepang di sebuah hotel di Seoul .
Pada konferensi pers tersebut, Jang Geun Suk fasih berbahasa Jepang untuk menyapa media, dan menyampaikan penghiburan kepada korban bencana gempa bumi di Jepang Timur. "Saya prihatin atas musibah yang terjadi ... mudah-mudahan daerah-daerah yang terkena bencana dapat segera pulih."
Ketika ditanya pendapatnya tentang penayangan M3 di TBS, Jang Geun Suk menyebutnya sebagai hal yang "luar biasa" dan berkata, "Saat memainkan peran Mu Gyul, saya telah tumbuh dewasa bersama dengannya (karakter Mu Gyul)."
Media bertanya pada Moon Geun Young, apakah ia sering dikejutkan dengan (cara kerja) Jang Geun Suk karena ini adalah pertama kalinya mereka bekerja sama. Dia memuji Jang Geun Suk, "Ia sama seperti yang saya bayangkan. Ia tak gampang marah dan tahu bagaimana cara memperhatikan orang lain, tapi kadang-kadang saya merasa kalau dia seperti anak-anak yang jauh lebih muda daripada saya" Setelah mendengar ini, Jang Geun Suk pura-pura mencibir dan berkata," Apakah kamu juga berpikir begitu?" Ketika reporter menanyakan hal tersebut pada Jang Geun Suk, ia mengatakan, "Saya setuju ... ... dia memang seperti obasan (lebih dewasa) dibanding saya." Semua orang pun tertawa.
Karena drama M3 adalah drama romantis komedi Korea, tentunya adegan ciuman romantis menjadi sorotan pertanyaan media. Jang Geun Suk berkata, "Saya berakting tanpa persiapan di adegan2 lain, tapi saya agak ragu-ragu saat syuting adegan ciuman. Selama saya berakting (di flm/drama), ini adalah ciuman terdalam yang pernah saya lakukan, jadi sebelum syuting saya berbicara dulu dengan Geun Young"
Dengan bercanda seperti biasanya, Jang Geun Suk menambahkan, "(ini sangat canggung) karena saya tidak pernah memiliki pengalaman berciuman dengan gadis-gadis sebelumnya." Meskipun tahu bahwa ia cuma bercanda, semua wartawati merasa tetap senang dibuatnya.
Saat diminta mengingat kejadian lucu yang terjadi selama pembuatan film, Jang Geun Suk tampak serius. "Proses syuting cukup melelahkan dan kadang terasa sulit untuk bertahan. Saya harus bekerja keras untuk menghafal dialog. Kinerja yang luar biasa dari Geun Young membantu saya untuk berintegrasi ke dalam karakter saya " Ia juga mengatakan bahwa dengan saling mendukung dan memotivasi inilah maka syuting drama bisa berhasil diselesaikan..
Reporter itu bertanya, "Ada lagi yang bisa diceritakan (selama syuting drama)?"
Jang Geun Suk menjawab, "Geun Young sangat kuat minum!" dan semua yang hadir tertawa lagi.
Tanggal 6 Mei adalah hari ulang tahun Moon Geun Young yang ke 24. Panitia secara khusus menyiapkan kue agar Jang Geun Suk dan Moon Geun Young bisa merayakan ulang tahun sekarang (dipercepat), dan semua orang pun menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun. Moon Geun Young terlihat sangat tersentuh dengan suasana dan perhatian untuknya.
M3 dijadwalkan akan disiarkan di TBS pada tanggal 20 Mei, dan DVD Box akan dijual di Jepang mulai tanggal 3 Juni 2011. indonesian translation by
On 26 April, Jang Keun Suk and Moon Geun Young attended TBS’ commemorative press conference at a hotel in Seoul for the upcoming broadcast of “Marry me Mary” (M3) on Japan’s TBS TV station.
At the press conference, JKS used fluent Japanese to greet the media, and expressed his consolations to the disaster victims of the Eastern Japan big earthquake. “It is really regretful to have this sort of thing happening… praying that the disaster-hit areas can recover soon.”
When asked for his thoughts about M3 airing on TBS, JKS descibed it as “incredible” and said, “While playing the role of Mu-gyul, I have grown up together with him.”
MGY was asked what about JKS surprised her since this was their first time working together. She praised JKS, “He was similar to what I had thought. He is good-tempered and knows how to take care of others, but sometimes I feel that he is like a child much younger than me.” Upon hearing this, JKS made a face and said, “Do you think this way too?” The reporter asked JKS, who said, “I agree… … she is indeed more like obasan (more mature) than me.” Everyone laughed.
With M3 being reputed as Korea’s cutest love comedy, the romantic kissing scene between the leads was naturally one of the focus points of the media. JKS said, “I acted the other scenes without any reservations, but was a bit hesitant over the filming of the kiss. In all my acting thus far, this is the deepest kiss I’ve had to do, so I did communicate with MGY before the scene.”
With his usual humour, JKS added, “(This is so awkward) because I have never had any kissing experience with girls before.” Despite knowing it was a joke, the group of female reporters were all kept happy.
Recalling the amusing incidents that happened during filming, JKS looked serious. “The filming process was quite tiring and at times, tough and hard to endure. I had to work hard to memorize lines. Geun Young’s outstanding performance helped me to integrate into my character.” He also said that it was with mutual support and encouragement that the drama filming was successfully completed.
The reporter asked, “Any more insider news?”
JKS replied, “Geun Young’s drinking capacity is very strong!” which made the audience laugh again.
6 May is MGY’s 24th birthday. The organisers especially prepared a cake for JKS and MGY to celebrate her birthday in advance, and everyone sang the birthday song. Not knowing about this beforehand, MGY was touched amidst the heart-warming atmosphere.
M3 is scheduled to be broadcast on TBS on 20 May, and the DVD Box will be on sale in Japan from 3 June.
Credits: TengXun Entertaiment
Shared by: Sukbar
English translation: Aphrael77
Pada konferensi pers tersebut, Jang Geun Suk fasih berbahasa Jepang untuk menyapa media, dan menyampaikan penghiburan kepada korban bencana gempa bumi di Jepang Timur. "Saya prihatin atas musibah yang terjadi ... mudah-mudahan daerah-daerah yang terkena bencana dapat segera pulih."
Ketika ditanya pendapatnya tentang penayangan M3 di TBS, Jang Geun Suk menyebutnya sebagai hal yang "luar biasa" dan berkata, "Saat memainkan peran Mu Gyul, saya telah tumbuh dewasa bersama dengannya (karakter Mu Gyul)."
Media bertanya pada Moon Geun Young, apakah ia sering dikejutkan dengan (cara kerja) Jang Geun Suk karena ini adalah pertama kalinya mereka bekerja sama. Dia memuji Jang Geun Suk, "Ia sama seperti yang saya bayangkan. Ia tak gampang marah dan tahu bagaimana cara memperhatikan orang lain, tapi kadang-kadang saya merasa kalau dia seperti anak-anak yang jauh lebih muda daripada saya" Setelah mendengar ini, Jang Geun Suk pura-pura mencibir dan berkata," Apakah kamu juga berpikir begitu?" Ketika reporter menanyakan hal tersebut pada Jang Geun Suk, ia mengatakan, "Saya setuju ... ... dia memang seperti obasan (lebih dewasa) dibanding saya." Semua orang pun tertawa.
Karena drama M3 adalah drama romantis komedi Korea, tentunya adegan ciuman romantis menjadi sorotan pertanyaan media. Jang Geun Suk berkata, "Saya berakting tanpa persiapan di adegan2 lain, tapi saya agak ragu-ragu saat syuting adegan ciuman. Selama saya berakting (di flm/drama), ini adalah ciuman terdalam yang pernah saya lakukan, jadi sebelum syuting saya berbicara dulu dengan Geun Young"
Dengan bercanda seperti biasanya, Jang Geun Suk menambahkan, "(ini sangat canggung) karena saya tidak pernah memiliki pengalaman berciuman dengan gadis-gadis sebelumnya." Meskipun tahu bahwa ia cuma bercanda, semua wartawati merasa tetap senang dibuatnya.
Saat diminta mengingat kejadian lucu yang terjadi selama pembuatan film, Jang Geun Suk tampak serius. "Proses syuting cukup melelahkan dan kadang terasa sulit untuk bertahan. Saya harus bekerja keras untuk menghafal dialog. Kinerja yang luar biasa dari Geun Young membantu saya untuk berintegrasi ke dalam karakter saya " Ia juga mengatakan bahwa dengan saling mendukung dan memotivasi inilah maka syuting drama bisa berhasil diselesaikan..
Reporter itu bertanya, "Ada lagi yang bisa diceritakan (selama syuting drama)?"
Jang Geun Suk menjawab, "Geun Young sangat kuat minum!" dan semua yang hadir tertawa lagi.
Tanggal 6 Mei adalah hari ulang tahun Moon Geun Young yang ke 24. Panitia secara khusus menyiapkan kue agar Jang Geun Suk dan Moon Geun Young bisa merayakan ulang tahun sekarang (dipercepat), dan semua orang pun menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun. Moon Geun Young terlihat sangat tersentuh dengan suasana dan perhatian untuknya.
M3 dijadwalkan akan disiarkan di TBS pada tanggal 20 Mei, dan DVD Box akan dijual di Jepang mulai tanggal 3 Juni 2011. indonesian translation by
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credit Our Prince Jang Keun Suk 장근석 张根硕 fb |
On 26 April, Jang Keun Suk and Moon Geun Young attended TBS’ commemorative press conference at a hotel in Seoul for the upcoming broadcast of “Marry me Mary” (M3) on Japan’s TBS TV station.
At the press conference, JKS used fluent Japanese to greet the media, and expressed his consolations to the disaster victims of the Eastern Japan big earthquake. “It is really regretful to have this sort of thing happening… praying that the disaster-hit areas can recover soon.”
When asked for his thoughts about M3 airing on TBS, JKS descibed it as “incredible” and said, “While playing the role of Mu-gyul, I have grown up together with him.”
MGY was asked what about JKS surprised her since this was their first time working together. She praised JKS, “He was similar to what I had thought. He is good-tempered and knows how to take care of others, but sometimes I feel that he is like a child much younger than me.” Upon hearing this, JKS made a face and said, “Do you think this way too?” The reporter asked JKS, who said, “I agree… … she is indeed more like obasan (more mature) than me.” Everyone laughed.
With M3 being reputed as Korea’s cutest love comedy, the romantic kissing scene between the leads was naturally one of the focus points of the media. JKS said, “I acted the other scenes without any reservations, but was a bit hesitant over the filming of the kiss. In all my acting thus far, this is the deepest kiss I’ve had to do, so I did communicate with MGY before the scene.”
With his usual humour, JKS added, “(This is so awkward) because I have never had any kissing experience with girls before.” Despite knowing it was a joke, the group of female reporters were all kept happy.
Recalling the amusing incidents that happened during filming, JKS looked serious. “The filming process was quite tiring and at times, tough and hard to endure. I had to work hard to memorize lines. Geun Young’s outstanding performance helped me to integrate into my character.” He also said that it was with mutual support and encouragement that the drama filming was successfully completed.
The reporter asked, “Any more insider news?”
JKS replied, “Geun Young’s drinking capacity is very strong!” which made the audience laugh again.
6 May is MGY’s 24th birthday. The organisers especially prepared a cake for JKS and MGY to celebrate her birthday in advance, and everyone sang the birthday song. Not knowing about this beforehand, MGY was touched amidst the heart-warming atmosphere.
M3 is scheduled to be broadcast on TBS on 20 May, and the DVD Box will be on sale in Japan from 3 June.
Credits: TengXun Entertaiment
Shared by: Sukbar
English translation: Aphrael77
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
[News] Jang Geun Suk & Moon Geun Young @ Press Conference - Japan TBS (April 26, 2011)
Jang Geun Suk dan Moon Geun Young hari ini menghadiri
konferensi pers di Korea
untuk penayangan drama Marry Me, Mary!
untuk penayangan drama Marry Me, Mary!
tanggal 20 Mei 2011 mendatang di Jepang via TBS
from GeunGeunCouple FB
Jang Geun Suk and Moon Geun Young attended
the M3' broadcasting press conference today :)
[c] GG Baidu + as marked
[c] GG Baidu + as marked
early birthday for moon geun young
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