
Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Video] Sukkie Tokki

Di wawancara sebelumnya (baca: [Interview] Jang Geun Suk interview with Teenage magazine, what animal he want to be?), Jang Geun Suk menjawab pertanyaan "Jika Anda dilahirkan sebagai hewan peliharaan, Anda mau jadi apa?" bahwa ia ingin dilahirkan sebagai kelinci karena ia lahir di tahun kelinci. Ia juga menyatakan bahwa ia menyukai kelinci karena kelinci hanya makan rumput jadi mereka tidak harus diet!! *trnyta sukkie mang da trunan kelinci dri moyangnya... liat ja video dibawah * 

In an interview (read: [Interview] Jang Geun Suk interview with Teenage magazine, what animal he want to be?), Jang Geun Suk was asked "If you were a pet, what animal would you be?" and answered that he wanted to be born as a rabbit as he was born in the Year of Rabbit. He also mentioned that he  like rabbits because they only eat grass which means they would never have to diet! video below shows how sukkie's actually a rabbit in daily life.... 

wondering...  how in earth he had an urge to go on a diet since he's very2 skinny. even kim ok bin admits that to have a photoshoot with sukkie, she has to go on a diet because -according to her- sukkie has such a slim and beautiful body. 

see? wht more do u want suk? skinny to the bones? just eat well, will u ? luv u no matter what,  darl.... ^^

1 comment:

  1. baru tau... cri
    itu pronounciationnya ..creee..
    slama ini kupikir ..cryy.. gitu.. hihi

