
Monday, February 28, 2011

[Track] Jang Geun Suk's Album "Let Me Cry"

Album name: Let me cry

Limited Edition Includes:
Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: 一绪に作ったメロディ
Instrumental versions of all 3 tracks
Coupon A to exchange for a gift at Tokyo Showcase (purchase of showcase ticket is not included)
Special: Limited edition DVD with footage of JKS’ song recording process and cover picture photo shoot

Normal Edition Includes:
Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: Oh my darling
Instrumental versions of all 3 tracks
Coupon B to exchange for a gift at Tokyo Showcase (purchase of showcase ticket is not included)
Special: One card
(3 different designs but one CD will only have one card. If you want to collect other designs, you have to buy more albums. If the first round of normal edition albums run out of stock, subsequent rounds will not have this card.)

JKS Tokyo Showcase

Date: Sunday 27 March 2011
Venue: 東京ビッグサイト東4・5・6
Enquiry telephone: 03-3405-9999

Credits: sballimiao @ Suk Baidu Bar

Repost from

Judul Album: Let me cry

Limited Edition termasuk:
Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: 一绪に作ったメロディ
Versi instrumental dari ketiga tracks
Kupon A untuk ditukarkan dengan hadiah di Tokyo Showcase (tidak termasuk pembelian tiket showcase)
Special: Limited edition DVD dengan cuplikan proses rekaman lagu Jang Geun Suk dan saat pengambilan foto untuk cover

Normal Edition termasuk:
Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: Oh my darling
Versi instrumental dari ketiga tracks
Kupon B untuk ditukarkan dengan hadiah di Tokyo Showcase (tidak termasuk pembelian tiket showcase)
Special: Satu kartu
(Kartu ini memiliki 3  desain yang berbeda, tapi tiap CD hanya akan melampirkan 1 kartu. Jika anda ingin mengkoleksi ketiga desain, anda harus membeli lebih banyak album. Kalau album edisi normal di tahap pertama sudah terjual habis, maka cd di tahap berikutnya tidak akan melampirkan kartu2 ini lagi)

JKS Tokyo Showcase

Date: Sunday 27 March 2011
Venue: 東京ビッグサイト東4・5・6
Enquiry telephone: 03-3405-9999

[Wallpaper] Jang Geun Suk "Let Me Cry"

[Wallpaper] Jang Geun Suk "Let Me Cry"
All credits: Heaven 天堂希澈 @ Suk Baidu Bar
repost from

Sunday, February 27, 2011

[Picture] Jang Geun Suk "Let Me Cry"

Jang Geun Suk's debut album~ "Let Me Cry"

Track 1: Let me cry
Track 2: Bye Bye Bye
Track 3: 一绪に作ったメロディ
/Track 3: Oh my darling (for e normal version)

His Tokyo Showcase on 27 March 2011
repost from mighty seoul sister fb
Chukahaeeee ^^

 cr as tagged - fr ponycanyon

Saturday, February 26, 2011

[Picture] Sukkie Fever in Comic

third picture in first row perfectly portrays me

credit: keungall - repost from cri j indonesia fb

[Wallpaper] Jang Geun Suk as hwang tae kyung @ you are beautiful & onstage

these are my favorites...

you can see the complete collection

All credits: 張根碩原創部落@ Baidusukbar

[24 Feb 2011] Conversational Snippets from Jang Keun Suk @ Autograph Session for Codes Combine

Cuplikan percakapan Jang Geun Suk dengan Fans di Sesi Tandatangan utk Codes Combine

Snippet 1: Dari  fan account 4 fromDC 희망엄마

Fan: Aku akan pergi ke Singapura
Jang Geun Suk tertawa dan bertanya: Kamu pergi (ke Singapura)?
Fan: Tentu saja, aku sudah menyiapkan semuanya
Jang Geun Suk : Secepat itu?!
Fan: Berikan satu kalimat yang bisa menyemangatiku di saat2 yang sulit
Jang Geun Suk: "Himnaeyo! Naega Isseunikka" Semangat … karena kamu masih punya aku (disisimu) …. Hahahahahaha (Jang Geun Suk tertawa... mungkin karena ia sediri menganggap kalimat itu terlalu mushy *istilahnya dlm bhs indo apa yak? intinya kalimat itu lebay2 ala rinto dah :D*)

Snippet 2: Dari fan account 3 from DC희망엄마

Fan: Aku menonton ELT DVD tapi aku masih tak mengerti maksudnya.Apa di MV itu, kamu karakter yang antagonis?
Jang Geun Suk: (bukan) hanya seseorang yang bodoh (karena cinta) …
Fan menyodorkan iPhone dan meminta Jang Geun Suk untuk mengatakan sesuatu agar bisa direkam
Jang Geun Suk: "Once you’re addicted to me, you won’t be able to escape!" >> "Sekali saja kau kecanduan denganku,  (maka selamanya) kau takkan bisa membebaskan diri (dariku)" 

Snippet 3: Dari  fan account 3 from DC희망엄마

Jang Geun Suk: Wow, Aku sudah lama tidak melihat baju ini
Fan: Berikan pesan se-mushy mungkin untukku
Jang Geun Suk berbicara sambil menulis: Kamu hanya bisa melihat aku dan mengingat aku. Wow, Aku bahkan belum pernah berkata seperti ini pada kekasihku dulu  

Snippet from DC:

Fan: Kamu tidak mengenaliku ?
Jang Geun Suk: Gimana ya? Otakku kayaknya dah karatan ni
Fan: Kamu mengenaliku sebelumnya, bagaimana kau tidak mengingatku ? Aku Daji.
Jang Geun Suk: Ah! Daji! Maaf,  Aku benar2 sibuk hari ini jadi tba2 saja aku tidak bisa mengingat (namamu)
Really sorry. Aku akan menggambar 3 hati untukmu sebagai kompensasinya. Aku benar2 tidak melupakanmu, hanya saja aku tidak bisa mengingat (namamu). Sorry, jangan membenciku ya. Daji aahh, please jangan membenciku ahh T T  Indonesian Translation by

Repost from

Posted on February 25, 2011 by aphrael77

What JKS and fans talked about during the autograph session. Hopefully, this gives my slow brain a kick so that I can think of what to say to JKS if I do get to meet him! :)

Snippet 1: From fan account 4 fromDC 희망엄마

Fan: I want to go to Singapore.
JKS laughs and asks: You’re going?
Fan: Of course, I’m all prepared.
JKS: So fast?!
Fan: Give me an encouraging sentence that will cheer me up during tough times.
JKS: Cheer up… because you still have me …. Hahahahahaha (JKS breaks into usual loud laughter… maybe because he himself thinks it is too mushy)

Snippet 2: From fan account 3 from DC희망엄마

Fan: I watched the ELT DVD but I still don’t understand what it is about. Are you a bad guy in the MV?
JKS: Just a fool…
Fan used iPhone and asked JKS to say a sentence to be recorded.
JKS: Once you’re addicted to me, you won’t be able to escape!

Snippet 3: From fan account 3 from DC희망엄마

JKS: Wow, I’ve not seen these clothes for a very long time.
Fan: Please make the message as mushy as possible.
JKS says as he writes: You can only see me and remember me. Wow, I’ve not even said this to my girlfriend before.

Credits to KeunSukChina for translation from Korean fans


[KSC]签名会后记3fromDC:Fan:我看了ELT DVD还是不懂在讲什么.你在里面是坏男人吗? 硕:就是个傻瓜. 然后Fan用爱疯让硕录一句话,硕甜甜的说:迷上我 你就逃不了了!~

[KSC]签名会后记1fromDC:硕:哇 好久没见这件衣服了.fan:麻烦有多肉麻就写多肉麻.硕边写:只能看我,只能记得我.边说:哇,这种话我对女朋友都没说过呢。

Snippet from DC:

Fan: Don’t you recognise me?
JKS: What to do? My brain seems to have rusted.
Fan: You recognised me previously, how can you not remember? I am Daji.
JKS: Ah! Daji! I’m really sorry. I’m so busy today that I suddenly could not recall [your name]. Really sorry. I will draw three hearts for you as compensation. I really did not forget you, just that I couldn’t recall it at that moment. Sorry, don’t hate me. Daji ah, please don’t hate me ah TT

Credits: KeunSukChina

张根硕全球中文网 :[KSC]签名会后记5fromDC:fan:你不认得我了?硕:怎么办.我脑子好像锈掉了.fan:你之前都认得怎么会不知道.我是daji.硕: 啊!daji!真的对不起.今天忙的晕头转向,突然间记不起来.真的对不起.我给你画三颗心作为补偿,真的不是忘了你.只是一瞬间没想起来而已.对不起. 不要恨我.daji啊,不要恨我啊 T T.(硕好可爱)
今天 03:29 来自新

Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Video] Sukkie Tokki

Di wawancara sebelumnya (baca: [Interview] Jang Geun Suk interview with Teenage magazine, what animal he want to be?), Jang Geun Suk menjawab pertanyaan "Jika Anda dilahirkan sebagai hewan peliharaan, Anda mau jadi apa?" bahwa ia ingin dilahirkan sebagai kelinci karena ia lahir di tahun kelinci. Ia juga menyatakan bahwa ia menyukai kelinci karena kelinci hanya makan rumput jadi mereka tidak harus diet!! *trnyta sukkie mang da trunan kelinci dri moyangnya... liat ja video dibawah * 

In an interview (read: [Interview] Jang Geun Suk interview with Teenage magazine, what animal he want to be?), Jang Geun Suk was asked "If you were a pet, what animal would you be?" and answered that he wanted to be born as a rabbit as he was born in the Year of Rabbit. He also mentioned that he  like rabbits because they only eat grass which means they would never have to diet! video below shows how sukkie's actually a rabbit in daily life.... 

wondering...  how in earth he had an urge to go on a diet since he's very2 skinny. even kim ok bin admits that to have a photoshoot with sukkie, she has to go on a diet because -according to her- sukkie has such a slim and beautiful body. 

see? wht more do u want suk? skinny to the bones? just eat well, will u ? luv u no matter what,  darl.... ^^

[Video] Jang Geun Suk's Fan Signing for Codes Combine (February 24, 2011)

[Video] Jang Geun Suk's Fan Signing for Codes Combine (February 24, 2011)
credit to TV Daily + kawaiifrog0216

credit: tvdaily + cocochan531

credit: bntnews + yeingchang

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

[MV] Jang Geun Suk - A worthy ambassador of Seoul city

so proud of u, sukkie
love u... 
es iii ow yu ell....

credit: khuekyu

[Video] [CF] Jang Geun Suk for Ole Beauty

[Video] [CF] Jang Geun Suk for Ole Beauty
credit: jeanphavin

Credits: Suk Baidu Bar for video & Chinese subtitles; Aphrael77 for English subtitles

[Screencaps] Jang Geun Suk @ "Moon" by Every Little Thing (ELT)

credit: fly

so sorry, YT has blocked moon mv on copyright ground
nothing i can do about it T T 
let's just enjoy the screencaps, shall we?

repost from
screencaps credit: ladymoon

mian, mv nya diblok sma om youtube
w dh coba aplot ulang, tp ttp gk bsa T T
so... liat screencaps ja y...

credit: keunsukchina

sukkie @ crime scene aka te ka pe

this is my sacred spot....
where i meet my secret love evry day
the crime scene....

[Video] Sukkie's Morning Kiss *smooch smooooch*

have you ever wondered what if....
in a lovely gorgeous beautiful morning *lebaykumat*
you wake up and find .... sukkie sleeping next to you !!
and then suddenly... he kiss you !! *smooch smooooch* awwww....*faint*

dedicated to my "A" Club's chingu, dolly 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[Picture] [Poster] Jang Geun Suk for Samsung Galaxy

[Picture] [Poster] Jang Geun Suk for Samsung Galaxy

credit: tdedie at baidu
respost from mighty seoul sister fb

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jang Keun Suk 2011 Japan Tour schedule

 credit as tagged

update Feb 26, 2011

The dates, time and venue of Jang Keun Suk’s Japan Tour schedule have been released on his Japan website.
Credits: Baidusukbar from JKS Japan website

★ 公演会场 及び 开演时间

[9 April] 4/9(土)
Nagoya 名古屋: 国际会议场 センチュリーホール
Time: 16:00开场/17:00开演予定

[11 April] 4/11(月)
Hiroshima 広岛: 広岛文化会馆
Time: 15:00开场 /16:00 开演予定

[12 April] 4/12(火)
Fukuoka 福冈: 福冈サンパレス
Time: 17:00开场 /18:00 开演予定

[6 May] 5/6(金)
Osaka 大阪: グランキューブ
Time: 18:00开场/19:00 开演予定

[8 May] 5/8(日)
Saitama 崎玉: 大宫ソニック
Time: 13:00 开场/14:00 开演予定
Time: 18:00 开场/19:00 开演予定

[10 May] 5/10(火)
Sendai 仙台: サンプラザ
Time: 15:00 开场/16:00 开演予定

Jang Keun Suk 2011 Japan Tour schedule

9 April: Nagoya
11 April: Hiroshima
12 April: Fukuoka
6 May: Osaka
8 May: Saitama
10 May: Sendai

Credits: meixueyo @ Sina weibo
repost from

Cheer Up Sukkie, We'll Always Suport U ^^

Sukkie said to e Jap staff
"One day fans may leave me. But even if they do so I want to have them to say

'I was happy to have been a fan of Jang Keun Suks', and I had a lot of fun then.' 

and for that I will do my best....
repost from mighty seoul sister fb

Kepada staf e Jap, Sukkie berkata
Suatu hari nanti, fans mungkin akan meninggalkan saya.
Jika saat itu datang, saya ingin bisa mendengar mereka berkata:

'Saya dulu bahagia sekali ketika menjadi fans Jang Geun Suk 
dan saya sering bersenang-senang waktu itu (selama menjadi fans sukkie)'

dan untuk alasan itulah saya (sukkie) akan selalu berusaha semaksimal mungkin (membahagiakan fans)....  
Indonesian Translation by

wuaaaa... so sad  T T

[Picture] Jang Geun Suk - KBOOM Magazine 2011

[Picture] Jang Geun Suk - KBOOM Magazine 2011
 repost from