
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

{Picture][Twitter] Jang Keun Suk @ MEN'S NONNO

Twitter TreeJ - 9 Agustus 2011
Mens’ Nonno sudah terbit!!!  Jika eels membeli  Mens’ Nonno yang menampilkan 
Jang Keun Suk di cover sampai stok majalah habis terjual,
aktor Jang akan melakukan shuffle dance di depan Seoul station! 
Eels, charge! ~!

TreeJ's twitter account - August 9, 2011:
Mens’ Nonno is finally out!!!  If eels snap up Mens’ Nonno with JKS
on the cover until the magazine runs out of stock, 
actor Jang will dance the shuffle dance in front of Seoul station!
Eels, charge! ~! shared by sukbar

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