
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jang Geun Suk Shines at Finale of “THE CRI SHOW” in Seoul

Jang Geun Suk sukses mengakhiri konser Asia Tour ke 6 negara selama 4 bulan dengan event terakhir di Seoul “THE CRI SHOW” tanggal 7 Agustus 2011. Dihadiri lebih dari 2.500 fans, Jang Geun Suk menunjukkan kepiawaiannya memandu acara, menyanyi, akting bahkan DJ selama dua setengah jam. Show terakhir ini memperlihatkan cuplikan dari photo book and video essay, “Travel Together-Budapest Diary” sekaligus pesta kejutan ulang tahun untuk Jang Geun Suk.

Di akhir acara, Jang Geun Suk menyatakan, "Tiap momen dari tour sangat indah dan emosional. Di negara manapun yang saya kunjungi, fans menyambut dengan ungkapan cinta yang sama dalamnya, dan saya bisa merasakan dukungan yang diberikan dengan segenap hati mereka. Saya ingin berterimakasih pada fans Korea yang sudah sabar menunggu dan fans dari luar negeri yang sudah jauh2 datang ke konser ini. Saya akan terus berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk fans di masa mendatang, sama seperti yang kita lalui di konser ini."

Asia tour Jang Geun Suk “THE CRI SHOW” dimulai sejak April lalu di negara Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, dan Shanghai, terakhir di Seoul kemarin malam. Video essay pertamanya “Travel Together-Budapest Diary” akan dirilis di Jepang tanggal 28 Oktober 2011. indonesian translation  by nae @

from soompi

Jang Geun Suk held the grand finale of his Asian tour concert, “THE CRI SHOW,” on August 7th in Seoul, bringing the six-country, four-month long event to an end. With more than 2,500 fans in attendance, Jang Geun Suk showed off his hosting, singing, acting, and even DJ-ing skills for over two and a half hours, giving fans from all over the world a night to remember. The show also included a surprise birthday party for the star actor, while revealing some behind the scene footages of his new photo book and video essay, “Travel Together-Budapest Diary.”

“Every moment of the tour was beautiful and emotional. Whatever Asian city I visited, fans greeted me with the same depth of love, and I could feel them supporting me with all their energy. I would like to thank all the Korean fans who waited so long for me and the foreign fans that traveled all the way here for the concert as well. I’m going to do my best to have the best time with my fans in the future too, just like we did through this concert,” Jang Geun Suk said at the end of the concert.

Starting from last April, Jang Geun Suk’s Asian tour, “THE CRI SHOW,” visited Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Shangai, before wrapping it up in Seoul this weekend. His first video essay, “Travel Together-Budapest Diary” is set for release in Japan on October 26th.

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