
Sunday, July 3, 2011

[News] Manager Jang Geun Suk Janji Akan Lebih Berhati-hati - Jang Keun Suk's Manager Promise to be More Careful

Di acara QTV "Soo Mi Ok", aktor senior Lee Soon-jae mengungkapkan kesalahan perusahaan manajemen artis dalam menangani artis-artisnya. Ia kemudian menyebutkan Jang Geun Suk yang pernah berakting bersamanya di drama MBC "Beethoven Virus" sebagai seorang aktor berbakat tapi sering datang terlambat.

Lee Soon-jae berujar, "Saya pikir masalahnya berasal dari manajer2nya dan bukan dari Jang Geun Suk pribadi. Beberapa (orang) berpikir bahwa makin terlambat seorang bintang maka makin besar otoritas yang mereka miliki. Seorang aktor mestinya tepat waktu datang ke lokasi syuting agar tiap orang merasa nyaman dan senang. Saya tidak berpikir bahwa Jang Geun Suk yang melakukannya (sengaja datang telat) tapi saya pikir orang-orang disekitarnyalah yang membuatnya jadi sedikit terlambat"

Tak lama kemudian, manajer Jang Geun Suk memberikan pernyataannya atas komentar dari Lee via akun resminya di Ia menulis, "Hello (ini) manajer Jang. Saya akan menerima saran dari Mr Jae. Saya akan lebih berhati-hati dan memastikan agar kejadian ini tak terulang lagi di masa mendatang. Terima kasih banyak" translated and rewritten by nae @

source: + hancinema +
rewritten by nae @ 

On the cable channel QTV "Soo Mi Ok", senior actor Lee Soon-jae pointed out the way of some entertainment companies managing their artists the wrong way. He then mentioned Jang Geun-seok whom he acted together with in the MBC drama "Beethoven Virus" as a talented actor but fail to keep on time.

Lee Soon-jae continued, "I think this is the problem of the managers and not Jang Geun-seok. Some think the later the star is the more authority it feels they have. The actor should be there on set in time for everyone to be comfortable and happy. I don't think it's Jang Geun-seok who is doing this but I think the people around him are making him late a little".

Later on Jang's manager posted statement towards Lee's comment via the official twitter account of TreeJ Company He tweeted, "Hello (this is) Jang's manager. I'll take the advice from Mr Jae. I'll be more careful and make sure that it wil not happen in the future. Thank you very much."

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