
Saturday, July 16, 2011

[News] CNN flies to Korea to see new-generation Hallyu star Jang Keun Suk

Tanggal 16 Juli, media2 terkenal dari Amerika dan Jepang seperti CNN, Fuji TV dan Tokyo Communications akan mengirimkan reporternya untuk meliput langsung Jang Geun Suk di lokasi syuting film “You’re my Pet”. Kedatangan media2 besar tersebut untuk meliput pembuatan film di Korea amat jarang terjadi. Satu lagi bukti atas kepopuleran Jang Geun Suk yang sukses melampaui Bae Yong-joon sebagai bintang Hallyu generasi baru. Di bulan Maret tahun ini, Jang Geun Suk diberitakan menghadiri konferensi pers film ini di Jepang. Dan walaupun saat itu syuting film belum dimulai, tiket konferensi pers tetap terjual habis.

Menurut sumber terpercaya, karena adanya permintaan dari media asing, team produksi film "You're My Pet" pun memutuskan untuk mengadakan konferensi pers terbuka di  Incheon, sekaligus untuk memenuhi permintaan dari berbagai media Korea yang ingin mewawancarai Jang Geun Suk. Setelah Shanghai Cri Show selesai dan kembali ke Korea, Jang Geun Suk juga mengatakan bahwa, “Banyak media yang meminta waktu untuk wawancara tapi jadwal saya terlalu ketat. Acara ini merupakan kesempatan bagus untuk menerima wawancara dari media" translated and summarized by nae @

In order to see the glamour of the new-generation Hallyu star Jang Keun Suk, even the CNN from America has sent out its troops.

On 16 July, American and Japanese mainstream media such as CNN, Fuji TV and Tokyo Communications will be sending their reporters to the filming set of “You’re my Pet” to do on-the-scene reporting.

Such a big batch of foreign media coming to visit a Korean-produced movie set in Korea is quite rare. This is also indirect evidence of JKS surpassing Bae Yong-joon’s status as the new-generation Hallyu star.

This year in March, JKS attended this movie’s press conference in Japan. The filming had not yet started then, but tickets (to the press conference) were all sold out.

According to sources, upon strong requests from foreign media, the YMP filming team then decided to hold an open-filming press conference at Incheon, and all along, there have been various requests from Korean media to interview JKS too, so they will take this opportunity to grant all such requests.

After having ended his Shanghai Cri Show and returned to Korea, JKS said that “there have been many interview requests from the media, but my schedule was too tight to make these arrangements. This is a very good opportunity and I will accept interviews responsibly.”

“You’re my Pet” uses a comedic line to tell of the romantic story of a boyfriend being treated like a pet. The plot is rather uncommon in Korea, but the original manga series was popular in Japan. Kang Eun-ho (acted by JKS) is a pet-like guy who is professional dancer turned musical actor. The movie will be aired in the later half of this year.

Source: Korea Central News (Chinese web)

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