
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hong Sisters of "You're Beautiful" considering a sequel

Hong Sisters (Hong Jungeun, Hong Miran) menyatakan akan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan untuk membuat sequel drama hit tahun 2009 "You're Beautiful." Pernyataan ini terungkap saat mereka menghadiri konferensi pers yang berlangsung tanggal 1 Juli lalu di Tokyo Jepang.

Di konferensi pers tersebut, reporter menanyakan kemungkinan adanya sequel untuk drama hit "You're Beautiful" dan Hong Sisters pun menjawab, "Sangat sulit untuk bisa langsung menulisnya karena kami tengah mengerjakan banyak proyek (drama) lain tapi kami akan mempertimbangkannya dengan serius jika versi Jepang dari drama 'You're Beautiful' bisa sukses"   Hong Sisters juga dikenal dengan drama hit mereka lainnya seperti "My Girl," "My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox," "Hong Gil Dong," dan "The Greatest Love." translated and summarized by nae @

from koreaboo
The famous and well-known Hong Sisters (Hong Jungeun, Hong Miran) are considering writing a sequel for the hit 2009 drama "You're Beautiful." The sisters were seen at the TBS headquarters in Tokyo on July 1st for a press conference. 

Reporters asked them if they would consider making a sequel for the hit drama, to which they responded, "It'll be hard to write right away since we're working on a lot of other projects but we'll consider it seriously if the Japanese version of 'You're Beautiful' becomes a success." The Hong Sisters are also well known for their hit dramas such as "My Girl," "My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox," "Hong Gil Dong," and "The Greatest Love."

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