
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Investor Jepang Lebih Pilih Jang Geun Suk daripada Hyun Bin - Compared to Hyun Bin, Japanese Investors Prefer Jang Keun Suk

Tengxun Entertainment (1 June 2011, 00:06 hours) – Akhir-akhir ini Jang Geun Suk tengah disibukkan dengan syuting film “You’re my Pet” (YMP), serta fan-meetings di Thailand, China, Taiwan dan Shanghai. Tanggal 31 Mei 2011, media Korea memberitakan bahwa tanggal 30 Mei 2011 Jang Geun Suk  bertemu dengan sutradara drama Korea terkenal Yoon Seok-ho yang ingin mengajak Jang Geun Suk untuk berakting di drama KBS2 terbaru berjudul  “Our Happy Days of Youth” (judul masih tentatif) yang akan ditayangkan bulan September 2011 dengan cerita romantis seperti film “The Classic”. TOP dari Big Bang sebelumnya dikabarkan menjadi kandidat terkuat untuk pemeran utama pria di drama ini, tapi ia tak bisa menerimanya karena bentrok dengan jadwal.

Menurut sumber terpercaya, jadwal Jang Geun Suk sudah penuh sampai bulan Agustus -untuk syuting film You're My Pet dan event-event di luar negeri- tapi Yoon Seok-ho terus berusaha keras menghubungi Jang Geun Suk sehingga kemungkinan kerjasama diantara keduanya sangatlah tinggi. Syuting drama ini akan dilakukan di Jepang pada tahap awal dan memang direncanakan untuk menampilkan bintang Hallyu sebagai pemeran utama pria utama. Produser drama ini telah lama mengincar Jang Geun Suk karena popularitasnya yang terus meroket di Jepang.

Jika Jang Geun Suk  menyetujuinya, drama ini akan menarik dana investasi pre-produksi sebesar US$150,000 untuk tiap episode. Hanya berdasarkan faktor ini saja bisa membuat produser drama merasa terjamin dan tak harus mencemaskan kemungkinan akan rugi.  Investor Jepang telah mengungkapkan bahwa dibandingkan Hyun Bin, mereka lebih memilih Jang Geun Suk sebagai pemeran utama pria.

Akhir-akhir ini banyak drama televisi menunjuk Jang Geun Suk  sebagai pilihan pertama untuk pemeran utama pria dan berharap ia bisa membintangi drama mereka. Popularitas Jang Geun Suk  belakangan ini hampir melampaui “Hallyu pioneer” Bae Yong-joon. Nama Jang Geun Suk bisa  menjamin masuknya investasi Jepang dalam jumlah besar hingga wajar jika banyak produksi besar berkompetisi untuknya. Tentu saja karena pasar Jepang bisa dibilang sebagai faktor yang sangat menguntungkan.

Berikut hasil karya Yoon Seok-ho:

1992 KBS “Tomorrow Love”
1994 KBS “Feeling”
1994 KBS “Love Greeting”
1997 KBS “Wedding Dress”
1999 KBS “Invitation”
2000 KBS “Autumn in my Heart”
2002 KBS “Winter Sonata”
2003 KBS “Summer Scent”
2006 KBS “Spring Waltz”
2011 KBS “Our Happy Days of Youth”

Dari daftar ini, kita bisa melihat bahwa dari empat "Raja Hallyu", tiga diantaranya -Jang Dong Gun, Lee Byung Hun, Sung Seung Heon dan Won Bin- pernah bekerja sama dengan Sutradara Yoon, dan juga Bae Yong Joon di “Winter Sonata”. Ini membuktikan status Yoon di industri hiburan Hallyu walaupun tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa drama setelah “Winter Sonata” seperti “Summer Scent” dan “Spring Waltz” tak meraih sukses baik dalam hal ratings maupun penilaian. Beberapa media berkomentar bahwa sekalipun Jang Geun Suk menyetujui untuk menerima tawaran tersebut, kesuksesannya (rating drama) masih diragukan karena pertama, ciri khas sutradara  Yoon yang berfokus pada cerita cinta yang tragis dan lugu  sudah tak sesuai lagi dengan tema drama modern Korea saat ini, dan kedua, walaupun drama“You’re Beautiful” (YAB) sangat menggemparkan di Asia, kenyataanya YAB tak menarik perhatian masyarakat Korea termasuk “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do” dan drama terakhirnya “Marry me Mary”. Jang Geun Suk terlihat selalu membayangi peran yang diidolakan yang tak menguntungkan bagi karir aktingnya untuk jangka panjang karena karakter tersebut bisa membosankan dan kurang memiliki terobosan baru. Walaupun Jang Geun Suk saat ini sedang menduduki peringkat teratas di Jepang karena popularitasnya, fakta yang tak bisa dielakkan adalah bahwa Jang Geun Suk belum memiliki karya yang representatif sampai sekarang. Kolaborasi dengan Yoon Seok-ho tentunya akan menarik banyak perhatian, tapi setelahnya, apakah hal ini nantinya akan menguntungkan atau malah merugikan masih tergantung penilaian dari masyarakat. indonesian translation by nae @

let those media eat their own f***** words, 
we'll always support you no matter what.... suk fighting ^^V

from jangkeunsuk
Tengxun Entertainment (1 June 2011, 00:06 hours) –Recently, JKS is busy with the filming of movie “You’re my Pet” (YMP), and also with his fan-meetings in Thailand, China, Taiwan and Shanghai. On 31 May, Korean media reported that on 30 May at a café, JKS had a confidential meeting with renowned Korean drama director Yoon Seok-ho who has the intention of inviting JKS to act in KBS2′s new drama “Our Happy Days of Youth” (tentative title) to be aired in September 2011, which will be a similar pure romance story like the movie “The Classic”. TOP of Big Bang was reportedly the strongest candidate for the male lead of KBS2′s new drama, but he could not due to conflicting schedule.

According to a source, including YMP filming and overseas events, JKS’ schedule is full until August, but Yoon Seok-ho was very keen to contact JKS, hence the possibility of their collaboration being realized is pretty high. The new drama will be filmed in Japan in the initial stage, and there are plans to have a Hallyu star as the male lead. The producers are eyeing JKS due to his recent immense popularity in Japan. If JKS agrees to this drama, it will attract advance investment funds of US$150,000 for each episode. Just this factor alone makes the producer feel assured and not worried about making a loss. Japanese investors have expressed that compared to Hyun Bin, they prefer JKS as male lead. Recently, many television dramas have JKS as their first choice for male lead and hope that he can act in their drama. JKS’ popularity in Japan nowadays is almost surpassing the “Hallyu pioneer” Bae Yong-joon. JKS can attract big amounts of Japanese investment, so it is natural for many major productions to compete for him. After all, the Japanese market is an enticing factor.

Here is a look at Yoon Seok-ho’s works:

1992 KBS “Tomorrow Love”
1994 KBS “Feeling”
1994 KBS “Love Greeting”
1997 KBS “Wedding Dress”
1999 KBS “Invitation”
2000 KBS “Autumn in my Heart”
2002 KBS “Winter Sonata”
2003 KBS “Summer Scent”
2006 KBS “Spring Waltz”
2011 KBS “Our Happy Days of Youth”

From this list, we see that out of the four Hallyu “heavenly Kings” Jang Dong Gun, Lee Byung Hun, Sung Seung Heon and Won Bin, three have acted in Director Yoon’s dramas, and also Bae Yong Joon later in “Winter Sonata”. These are testament to Yoon’s status in the Hallyu entertainment scene. But undeniably, the dramas after “Winter Sonata” such as “Summer Scent” and “Spring Waltz” did not receive as much success in terms of ratings and reviews. Some mass media comments that if Jang Keun Suk takes on a role in the proposed drama, it is hard to guarantee his future success, firstly because Director Yoon’s style of tragic and innocent love is more suited for reminiscing and no longer the main theme of modern Korean dramas, and secondly, although “You’re Beautiful” (YAB) received overwhelming response in Asia, it is a fact that YAB was not widely accepted by the Korean audience. Including “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do” and his latest work “Marry me Mary”, JKS is always hovering on the edge of “idolized roles”, which does not always bode well for a long-term acting career as such characters easily give people a sense of repetition and lack of break-through.

Although JKS is leading in Japan in terms of his popularity, it is undeniably the truth that as an actor, JKS still does not have any representative work to date. A collaboration with Yoon Seok-ho will definitely be cause for much attention, but after all the hubbub, whether this turns out to be a blessing or a bubble is up to the judgment of the audience.

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