
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daya Tarik dan Rahasia Popularitas Jang Geun Suk - The Charm and Secret to the Popularity of Jang Keun Suk

“Mulai dari musim panas tahun lalu, saya hanya beristirahat selama 20 hari. Jadwal saya nantinya akan lebih ketat lagi” Sebagai bintang Hallyu generasi baru yang disibukkan beerbagai kegiatan di dalam dan luar negeri, kalimat pertama yang tercetus darinya terdengar muram. 

Sejak April setelah merilis single debutnya “Let me cry” yang meraih peringkat teratas di Oricon chart, Jang Geun Suk terus disibukkan dengan kegiatannya di Jepang, Singapura,  Thailand, Hong Kong dan Malaysia dalam rangka penyelenggaraan “2011 Jang Keun Suk Cri Show” Asia Tour.

Setelah menyelesaikan Cri Show Malaysia di awal Juni, ia langsung pergi ke Jeonju untuk syuting film “You’re my Pet”. Selain makan dan tidur, waktunya habis untuk syuting. Pada akhir bulan Juni lalu, pameran fotonyanya digelar di 4 kota di Jepang dan juga Festival Jang Geun Suk yang diadakan di Tokyo. Untuk merayakan penayangan  “You are Beautiful” di Jepang, serangkain pertunjukan nantinya akan diadakan.

Di tengah-tengah kesibukannya yang padat, Jang Geun Suk menyempatkan diri untuk menerima wawancara dari “Sports Seoul”. Syuting film YMP di hari sebelumnya baru selesai jam 3 pagi dan Jang Geun Suk berkata bahwa “semua sel2 otaknya seakan-akan lumpuh tak berdaya”. Walaupun sering bercanda,  ia sempat terlihat agak gugup menghadapi dua wartawan yang agresif. Tapi ia tetap menjawab pertayaan dengan cekatan dan diselingi candanya -inilah daya tarik dan rahasia popularitas Jang Geun Suk yang menonjol di tengah Hallyu wave, memiliki kecerdasan dan kepiawaian dengan analisisnya tentang Hallyu dan kemampuan beraktingnya.

S = Sports Seoul
J = Jang Geun Suk

S: Karya yang paling berkesan?

J: Film pertama saya “Happy Life” dimana saya bisa berakting dengan senior2 saya. Film itu juga merupakan film yang paling mempengaruhi saya. Tak hanya di kemampuan berakting, tapi saya juga mendapatkan banyak hal-hal baru yang bisa dipelajari dari senior2 saya. Suatu hari, salah seorang seorang senior pergi keluar untuk makan dengan hanya mengenakan sandal dan baju olahraga. Mereka sangat luar biasa fokus saat berakting tapi setelah syuting berakhir mereka terlihat seperti orang biasa ketika makan. Saya jadi berpikir, "Darimana asal rasa percaya diri mereka?"  Jawabannya adalah dari kebanggaan atas profesi mereka sebagai aktor. Jika seseorang merasa bangga atas karir/pekerjaannya, orang itu akan merasa percaya diri dan bersikap jujur tak peduli kapanpun dan dimanapun. Itulah kehidupan sejati dari seorang aktor. Yang terpenting adalah tidak memamerkannya pada orang lain, tapi memiliki kepercayaan diri dan bersikap jujur terhadap orang lain.indonesian translation by nae @

Source: KeunSukChina
Jang Keun Suk – An actor with intelligence and capability

“From summer last year until recently, I only rested for 20 days. My future schedule will be even more packed.” As a new-generation Hallyu star, the first sentence out of multi-talented artiste Jang Keun Suk who has been active locally and overseas under the focus of the limelight sounds gloomy.

Since April when the release of his debut single “Let me cry” shot up the Oricon chart, JKS has been travelling between Japan and Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia having his “2011 JKS The Cri Show” Asia Tour.

“The Cri Show” wraps up on 9 July in Shanghai. After finishing the Malaysia performance in early June, he has gone immediately to Jeonju movie city to film “You’re my Pet”. Besides eating and sleeping, all his time is taken up by the filming. From the end of June, his photo exhibition opens in 4 Japanese cities, and a JKS Festival will be held in Tokyo. To commemorate the broadcasting of “You are Beautiful” in Japan, there will be a series of performances too.

Despite the “killing” schedule that does not even allow for a chance to catch one’s breath, Jang Keun Suk has willingly agreed to take time for the interview by “Sports Seoul” for its 26th anniversary. YMP filming ended at 3 am on the previous day, and JKS says that “all his brain cells are paralysed”. Despite his jokes, his nervousness at facing two “aggressive” reporters showed up briefly. When the camera snapped away furiously, JKS “instinctively” acted scared. Quick-witted and playful answers – this is the charm and secret to the popularity of Jang Keun Suk who stands at the centre of the Hallyu wave, possessing both intelligence and capability, with his analysis of Hallyu and his acting skill.

Part of the interview (not in Tengxun translation)

S = Sports Seoul

S: Which work to you have a special meaning?

J: My first movie “Happy Life” which I acted in with my seniors. It’s also a movie that has caused much impact on me. Not just in acting skill, I have also gained many learning points from acting with my seniors. One day, my seniors went to have breakfast of pig’s blood, intestines and so-ju, dressed in slippers and sports attire. As I saw their amazing focus during acting, and yet after the end of filming, they are like ordinary people as they ate, I could not help but think, “Where does that self-confidence come from?” The answer is their sense of pride in their profession as an actor. If one feels proud of one’s career, one can live upright and frank regardless of time and place. That is the real life of an actor. What is important is not to show others, but to have an upright and frank attitude towards oneself.

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