
Friday, April 29, 2011

[Picture] Jang Geun Suk @ Hongkong Press Conference (April 29, 2011)

Konferensi pers di Hongkong hari ini (29 April 2011) berlangsung dengan sangat singkat (sekitar 20 menit). Jang Geun Suk tampil, cium jauh untuk fans, berbicara sebentar untuk mempromosikan aktivitasnya, acara pemecahan pahatan es, pemotongan cake dan terakhir mengucapkan sampai jumpa besok (di FM).... Orang tua Jang Geun Suk juga terlihat menghadiri acara konferensi pers.   Dikabarkan bahwa eels Hongkong menyumbangkan uang (15,000 HK dollar) atas nama Jang Geun Suk untuk Jepang, dan Jang Geun Suk secara simbolis menyerahkan sumbangan dalam acara tersebut. Eels Hongkong juga menghadiahkan iPad2 untuk Jang Geun Suk. Ia terlihat sangat senang saat menerimanya..... indonesian translation by Nae ~

Today’s press conference in Hong Kong was short. JKS appeared, blew kisses at fans, talked a bit to promote his activities, ice-breaking ceremony, cut the cake and said see you tomorrow …And Hong Kong eels donated a sum of money towards the Japan earthquake relief efforts, so presumably JKS presented the cheque to charity. They also gave an iPad2 as present to JKS! He was very happy when he got it...  JKS’ parents were also there. His mother goes with him to all his overseas performance.

Credits: KeunSukChina, cri-p, 無敵LOLIxi:and Kathryn on Sina, as marked

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