
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jang Geun Suk "Typhoon" Releases Japanese Debut Single “Let Me Cry”

Debut  single Jepang "Let Me Cry" Jang Geun Suk telah dirilis di Jepang pada tanggal 27 April 2011. Single album ini sudah terjual lebih dari 150.000 eks SEBELUM dirilis awal bulan ini dan menempati peringkat #1 dalam peringkat prajual di "HMV" -situs terkemuka di Jepang. Meski telah membintangi sejumlah drama TV dan film, Jang Geun Suk tidak pernah merilis album musik sendiri sebelumnya. Single ini awalnya direncanakan untuk dirilis pada tanggal 23 Maret 2011 lalu yang akhirnya ditunda sekitar sebulan karena bencana tsunami di Jepang. "Karena terjadi musibah gempa dan tsunami yang tak terduga, saya menunda rilis album single saya selama hampir sebulan. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penggemar saya yang sudah menunggu begitu lama. Saya berharap mereka benar-benar menyukai lagu-lagu saya, "kata Jang Geun Suk dalam sebuah pernyataan melalui perwakilannya.

Di Jepang, Jang Geun Suk dijuluki "topan" yang mengacu pada ledakan popularitasnya. Dia baru-baru ini menghadiri konferensi pers di Jepang untuk film terbarunya "You're My Pet" dan telah terpilih sebagai model utama untuk Suntory Seoul Makkoli dan juga Nature Republic di Jepang. indonesian translation by

from soompi
Jang Geun Suk’s Japanese debut single “Let Me Cry” has been released in Japan on Apr. 27th. This single album already sold over 150,000 copies prior to its release earlier this month as it ranked #1 in the pre-sales ranking of “HMV,” Japan’s leading record site. Despite starring in a number of TV dramas and movies, Jang Geun Suk has never released his own music album in the past. The single was initially set for release on Mar. 23rd, however, due to the tsunami disaster in Japan, he postponed it for about a month. “Because of the unexpected earthquake and tsunami attacks, I had to push back my single album release for almost a month. I would like to thank my fans for waiting so long. I hope they really like my songs,” Jang Geun Suk said in a statement through his agency.

In Japan, Jang Geun Suk is being described as a “typhoon,” referring to his explosive popularity. He recently held a press conference in Japan for his latest film “You’re My Pet,” and has been selected as the main model for Suntory Seoul Makkoli and Nature Republic in Japan as well. His new single is only expected to boost his already growing prominence in Japan.

Korean article by girlalice@soompi; English translation by thunderstix@soompi

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