
Monday, April 25, 2011

Jang Geun Suk: "Saya hanya ingin menampilkan yang terbaik...." - Jang Keun Suk: “I just want to show you my best – always”

**Dan dengan segenap hati ia menampilkan yang terbaik untuk Cri Show yang berlangsung selama lebih dari 2 jam meskipun ia belum sembuh dari flu sejak dari Cina**

Jang Geun Suk memulai show dengan menampilkan lagu single Jepangnya 'Let Me Cry'. Tampak rapi dengan jas hitam, ia kemudian menyanyikan lagu 'Take Care, My Bus' dari OST drama 'Mary Stayed Out All Night'. Lalu slideshow menampilkan foto-fotonya di berbagai daerah di Eropa termasuk London & Budapest, diikuti dengan interview pendek.

Setelah menampilkan karakter Kang Mu Gyul dan Hwang Tae Kyung dari drama  'Mary Stayed Out All Night' dan 'You're Beautiful', mc bertanya padanya - karakter mana yang paling disukai. Ternyata karakter Jang Geun Suk merupakan kombinasi dari keduanya - ia memiliki karakter Mu Gyul yang cinta musik, alkohol dan wanita (Untuk yang terakhir, Suk menekankan bahwa ia bukanlah playboy seperti Mu Gyul), tapi juga memiliki karakter Hwang Tae Kyung yang profesional.  Ia kemudian menambahkan fakta bahwa ia juga pemalas dan secara umum lebih mirip (karakter) Mu Gyul.

Ketika audiens ikut menyanyikan versi akustik (tempo lambat) lagu 'Hello Hello' dari drama 'Mary Stayed Out All Night', tiba-tiba ia memberhentikan musiknya dan mengatakan "karena selalu ada musim panas di Singapura, kita seharusnya ngedance!" dan musik pun beralih ke versi dengan tempo lebih cepat yang membuat seluruh audiens berdiri dan ikut menari.

Lounge H menandai puncak malam itu ketika Keun Suk dan Kurt, yang dikenal sebagai sebutan Tim H, mengubah tempat itu menjadi klub mereka dengan efek lampu-lampu dan dentuman nada yang menghipnotis. Mereka menari, menyanyi dan berbaur dengan penonton selama 4 lagu. Masih belum puas, audiens pun meminta encore yang akhirnya dipenuhi oleh Tim H dengan putaran kedua lagu hit mereka, 'Gotta Get Cha'.


from xin msn
Jang Keun Suk: “I just want to show you my best – always”

And his best he showed as he performed his heart out for a little over 2 hours despite recovering from a cold that he had caught in China

Text and Photos: Lee Wei Lin
Video: Teng Siew Eng

Jang Keun Suk started the night on a high note by performing his Japanese singe 'Let Me Cry' to a full house. Looking dapper in a tailored black suit, he went on to perform 'Take Care, My Bus' from his drama 'Mary Stayed Out All Night'.

A slideshow displaying his photo shoot in various parts of Europe including London & Budapest and a short question and answer session followed after, eliciting screams from the fans as these photos are currently unreleased.
When asked why he named his tour '2011 Jang Keun Suk Cri Show In Asia', he simply answered: "Because I'm critical."

After showing off his acting chops by portraying his latest drama roles, Kang Mu Gyul and Hwang Tae Kyung from 'Mary Stayed Out All Night' and 'You're Beautiful' respectively, he was asked which character he was most like. Turns out that this star is a bit of both - he possesses Mu Gyul's love for music, alcohol and girls' love but also has Tae Kyung's professionalism. He then cheekily said that he was also lazy, and was generally more like Mu Gyul.

His professionalism shone through by requesting for the instrumental version of 'My Precious', his favourite song from the soundtrack of 'Mary', to be played instead of the studio recorded one halfway through the song.

The audience sang along to the acoustic version of his song from 'Mary', 'Hello Hello', when he abruptly stopped the music once again, exclaiming "since it's always summer in Singapore, do some dancing!" and got the entire house on their feet with the up-tempo version of the song.

Lounge H signaled the highlight of the night as Keun Suk and Kurt, who are collectively known as Team H, turned the venue into their club with their throbbing lights and hypnotic beats. The duo danced, sang and mingled with the audience for 4 songs. The audience couldn't get enough of them as they called for an encore, where Team H happily obliged with a second round of their hit song, 'Gotta Get Cha'.

Fans of Keun Suk will be thrilled to know that apart from his appearance in the Korean remake of Kimi Wa Petto (You Are My Pet) this year, they will be able to catch more of the heartthrob with the double promise of worldwide release of their 'Lounge H' album and music video of 'Gotta Get Cha'.

He was unable to perform a second encore as he had spent his energy by putting in his all for the night - truly embodying his daily mantra, 'One shot'.

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