
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jang Geun Suk Akan Menyanyikan “So, I’m Loving You” untuk Lotte Duty Free - Jang Geun-suk brings “beautiful” synergy to Lotte Duty Free

Sinergi di antara binang-bintang Halyu semakin indah dengan bergabungnya seorang bintang Hallyu di daftar bintang Lotte Duty Free …aktor Jang Geun Suk!

Lotte memilihnya untuk menjadi model mereka dan ia akan bergabung dengan Kim Hyun-joong di rekaman lagu komersial Lotte berjudul “So, I’m Loving You”. Statusnya sebagai bintang Hallyu ditandai dengan popularitasnya yang semakin meningkat di Jepang, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand dan di banyak negara lain. Semakin banyak orang di negara-negara tersebut yang terkena “Suk Effect” dan mereka menyukai tiap drama dan musik dari Jang Geun Suk.

Jang Geun Suk menikmati syuting lagu terbarunya dan iklan untuk Lotte. Aktor ini memberi pernyataan pada media melalui perwakilannya, bahwa ia akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin di tiap pekerjaannya agar fans dari seluruh penjuru dunia merasa nyaman dan dekat (dengannya). Bintang  Hallyu ini bergabung dengan dengan para bintang lainnya untuk Lotte seperti Song Seung-heon, Choi Ji-woo, Hyun-bin, Rain, JYJ dan 2pm.

credit: kkr1011 + shiro401 + cri j indonesia fb

The synergy just keeps on growing with the addition of another Hallyu star to the Lotte Duty Free Shopping list…actor Jang Guen-suk!

Lotte chose him to be their model and he joined Kim Hyun-joong in recording the upcoming AD song “So, I’m Loving You”. The company and fans alike can probably not wait to see another Angel [A.N.JELL] idol actor join the list of already prominent celebrities.

His status as a Hallyu star is secured with growing popularity in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and many others. People in other countries have the “Suk Effect” and they enjoy every drama and music project that comes their way from Guen-suk.

He loved filming his current song and Ad for Lotte! The actor told the press, via his agency, that he hopes to do his best work so fans from all over the world can feel comfortable and have a closeness to the country. The Hallyu star joins modeling veterans Song Seung-heon, Choi Ji-woo, Hyun-bin, and Rain ,as well as, idols JYJ and 2pm[and Rain could be considered in this category again]

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