
Saturday, February 12, 2011

[Picture] Jang Keun Suk @ Osaka

From JKSJapan twitter @ 120pm~ from Sukkie :
오사카떠나기 전에 팀들과 삼뽀~아 오늘은 춥지도 않군요 간사이 파워를 받아 간토우까지 갑니다!!아자!!!!!!바이크리!!
Eng translate : Before leaving Osaka,I have a walk with e team. oh~ Today e weather is not cold...will bring e energy from Kansai to Kanto!! Aja!!!!!! Bye Cri!! (repost fr we are the mighty seoul sister fb)
Indonesian translate: Sebelum meninggalkan Osaka, saya berjalan2 dengan e team
oh~ hari ini cuacanya tak dingin...(saya) akan membawa energi dari Kansai ke Kanto
Aja!!!!!! Bye Cri!!


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