
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jang Keun Suk @ Lounge H in Osaka

Poster Lounge H dengan pesan dari Jang Geun Suk:
"Saya selalu berharap, disuatu tempat dimana saya bisa merasakan kedekatan dengan tiap orang, dapat menikmati saat2 kebersamaan kita. Saat musim bunga sakura di Jepang kini, saya berharap semua harapan/keinginan saya bisa terkabul. Legenda Jang Geun Suk baru saja dimulai. Nantikan (karya) saya di masa mendatang

Fans di Lounge H bisa membawa pulang poster yang indah ini.

Di Lounge H, Jang Geun Suk berkata bahwa ia sudah menyelesaikan rekaman album barunya minggu kemarin dan ia menyanyikan sedikit lagu barunya di Lounge H. Salah satu judul lagunya adalah "Let Me Cry".

Jang Geun Suk akan pergi ke London dan Hungaria (?) di bulan Maret untuk syuting pembuatan 15th anniversary DVD dan album foto.

 repost from
A beautiful poster of Lounge H, with a beautiful message on it from Jang Keun Suk:
“It has always been my hope, in a space where I can feel everyone’s proximity, to enjoy our time together. In the cherry blossoms season in Japan, I hope my wish can be fulfilled. Jang Keun Suk’s legend is just starting. Please look forward to the future me.”
Fans at Lounge H today can take home this beautiful A4-sized poster – so envious!
Lounge H has already ended, and from Sukbar’s online broadcast gathered from fans’ Twitter, it seemed to be a wild, wet event… … wet on account of the alcohol being sprayed around, and with JKS and Kurt dancing their hot dance, drenched in alcohol. JKS also pulled his manager Kim and another fellow worker on stage to join their dance and during the encore, took off his shirt and splashed himself with water/wine(?). Frankly speaking, if everything goes well and I’m able to get my hands on a LH ticket for the Singapore event, I’m not sure whether my heart can take it! Too ‘hot’ for me!
JKS shared that he had finished his new album’s song recording last week, and he sang a small part of it at Lounge H. One new song in his album is “Let Me Cry” – aptly named because I feel like crying just looking at the song title and I don’t know why, haha~ If it’s a slow, sentimental song with JKS singing it full of feeling, I think my tears will really flow…..
He will be going to London and a European country, Hungary (??) in March to film his 15th anniversary DVD and photograph book. The question mark is mine. Hungary and Czech are two different countries, right? So is this a confusion here or what?
There’s also one part of Lounge H where JKS will select one Valentine’s Day card out of five, and it seems that JKS will do something for the lucky winner, though it’s up to anyone’s guess at the moment. I love JKS’ little considerate acts and the way he would go out of his way to do something special for fans.
News & pics credit to Baidusukbar unless otherwise credited
【suk-LH日本巡演大阪站】海报上的文字翻译:我一直希望,能在感觉的到大家的距离里,享有同样的时间。 日本的樱花盛开的季节,我希望我的愿望能够实现。 张根硕的传说刚刚开始,敬请期待以后的张根硕—翻译:柚衣
【suk-LH日本巡演大阪站】Suk has finished CD recording last week n he sung his new songs a little bit, prob phew phrases RT@sato_jks: あっ!CDの収録は先週終わったらしい。少し歌ってくれたよー—suk上周已经完成了cd的录制,现场小唱了一下
【suk-LH日本巡演大阪站】日本发行的CD专辑里面,新歌主題曲為let me cry !

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