
Monday, January 3, 2011

Live Chat - Kata Jang Geun Suk ttg Mary Stayed Out All Night - Marry Me, Mary !

Di post gw yg kmrn soal jang Geun Suk jadi penulis di MMM (Baca: Mary Stayed Out All Night - Marry Me, Mary ! - penulis pisode 16 = Jang Geun Suk !!), sasileun gw penasaran bgt gmna kejadian benernya, trs gimana crnya sukkie ngerubah skrip (tau gak sih, discript asli, mookyul mati di episode 15, waaa...nyambitin bakiak lg). eehhh....pas banget dh, baru2 aja sukkie diwawancara di radio, n nae nampyoen jawab semua penasaran gw. ini dia, enjoy yorobun..

***mian.. ada ralat dr annies_eels (gomawooo annies) : ini bukan wawancara di radio tp  dia punya link live broadcast sendiri buat komunikasi sama fansnya.  dibwh ini adalah terjemahan dari omongan dia selama live broadcast***

Selama syuting, ada banyak banget argumentasi. argumentasi diantara aktor2, argumentasi dengan KBS, argumentasi dengan penulis naskah dan juga dengan stradara.

Selama syuting, sering bgt gw mikir, "Bagian yg ini, gw gak bisa meranin kayak gini (yg tertulis di naskah)". Akhirnya, dialog2 yg tertulis dinaskah diubah satu demi satu. Bener sih ini gak ideal, ngarang2 dialog kita sendiri; tp saat itu, kita menghadapi masalah sulit seperti itu....dialog yg seperti itu, kita... punya alasan sendiri. Setelah ngelihat (naskah) episode 15, gw bener2 bingung. Mungkin kmu semua gk tahu, tp di episode 15, mookyul meninggal. Begitu gw lihat naskah itu, gw lgs gak bisa terima. Bukannya gw gk bisa memeranin adegan itu, tp gw ngerasa itu terlalu..... Tinggal 3 hari lagi dan gw masih kerja nonstop ngerubah naskah. Aktor2 lain jga ngerjain hal yg sama. Pas lg syuting episode 16, gw pergi sama KJW Hyung ke banquet yg disiapin sama fans. Setelah itu, episode 16 diubah habisssss. Paginya pas syuting, gw nyaranin spy kita pake mobil mookyul. Tapi KBS bilang gak boleh. Di akhir2 syuting, kira2 sejam sebelum selesai, kita ganti pake mobil mookyul utk syuting. Waktu kita syuting adegan itu, gw pikir itu lucu banget. Jung in didepak sama bokapnya, berarti dia gak punya duit sesenpun kan?

Bagian selanjutnya ttg adegan nyokap bikinin sup bean paste buat mookyul. (ringkasan terjemahan) Jang Geun Suk ngerubah seluruh adegan krn dia pikir apa yg digambarkan penulis di naskah gk bnr -nyokap harusnya gak ngomong kayak gitu (kata sukkie). So setelah ngebahas adegan itu sama sutradara dan "senior lainnya" (gak yakin siapa tuh senior, tp mungkin kedudukannya di atas penulis), adegan itu diubah dan flashback dengan mary ditambahin dan dialog nyokap diganti.

Selanjutnya, sehubungan dengan adegan antara Mookyul dan nyokapnya. Adegan itu jd situasi yg kacau (mianhae, bingung cari istilah yg pas, mungkin maksudnya naskah itu ditulis jelek banget saking jeleknya jd gk bisa dibetulin). Mookyul jd cemen anget dan gimana bisa nyokap ngomong kayak gitu? Dengan pertanyaan2 kyak gitu di pikiran gw, gw pergi & ngebahas adegan itu sama senior gw dan juga sutradara. Kita sepakat ngerubah adegan nyokap dan bahkan adegab mary juga diganti. Selagi makan sup, mookyul mikirin sup yg pernah dibikinin mary buat dia. Pikiran itu membuat emosinya meledak.....

Kenapa nyokap suka es krim -dia org tua yg kekananak2an? Oh, mang banyak sih org yg kayak anak kecil, seperti itulah. Org yg gak dewasa? ya, mang dia orang tua yg gak dewasa. Kita bandingin aja antara sup yg dibikin nyokap yg gak dewasa & sup yg dibikin mary. sup nyokap rasanya gak enak. Biarpun sup gak enak itu susah banget dimakan, tp perasaan sayang mokyul pd mary (tp dia gak bisa kembali ke sisi mary), akhirnya dia paksa dirinya utk makan sup itu (mianhae, nerjemahinnya ancur, buru2 nih, nti dibetulin lg). Dari ide2 ini, gw ngerubah naskahnya.

Banyak banget situasi yg kayak gitu, biarpun gw gak bisa sebutin satu2 disini. Kerja di drama ini ngebuat gw belajar banyak. Lewat drama ini, gw banyak belajar, dan nyoba banyak hal baru. Karena itu gw gak nyalahin siapa2 (naesukkie: geogjeongmaa sukkie, kita tahu kok itu semua salah jaganim A en B). Ya, gw gk nyalahin siapa2, gw pikir itu cuma peerbedaan opini aja (naesukkie: baek banget dah naenampyoen sukkie), yg akhirnya menghasilkan produk yg buruk. Tp itu produk dr semua aktor yg bekerja keras dan yg juga belajar banyak.

Di kehidupan nyata, kita biisa aja menghadapi banyak kenyataan yg berbeda. Banyak serangan dan hal yg tak terduga. Jujur, gw belajar sekali lagi di produksi drama ini. So gw gak akan ngerjain sesuatu dengan cara org lain. Gw gak akan langsung begitu aja ngerjain apa yg disiapin org2 buat gw. Ini semua alasan knpa gw gak blh arogan. Sebenernya masih banyak yg gw mau omongin, tp kayaknya waktu gk bakalan cukup.

NAESUKKI says: YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....YIHAAAAAAAAAA......*lompat2, jungkir balik* ada juga terjemahan yg bisa gw selesain sampe abis. mianhae yorobun utk  salah2 ketik, gw ngetik pake 11 jari wkwkwkwkwk

Menurut gw, cuma sukkie yg bisa kayak gini, ya gak? Bayangin aja, dia bisa ngerubah naskah habis2an, nentang jaganim, sutradara, bahkan KBS!!gilaaaa!!!. mestinya kemarn pas KBS Award, ada award baru buat sukkie: MOST TALENTED AND SUPER ACTOR AWARD ^^V

Dibawah artikel aslinya yaa...

[TRANS] Jang Keun Suk's recent live radio chat.
Source: Sukbaidu
Translation: LizzyD
Credit: ockoala's blog + sears blog

Please repost with proper credit

LizzyD says:
Translation and summary (done very quickly, sorry for typos) by me. Credit to me! Heeheee Original post on baidu sukbar.

There’s a whole huge long paragraph during which he more or less repeats his previous comments - that he picked this production because he fell in love with the MG character. Now he realizes he can’t be so arrogant (about making decisions) and that besides a good character, you need to make sure it’s a good product overall (ie. script).

The part about M3:

During filming, there were lots of arguments. Arguments between actors, arguments with the station (KBS), arguments with the screenwriter and also with the director.

During filming, there were many times when I thought, “For this part, I can’t film it like this.” In this way, the actors lines were changed one by one. Of course, it’s not ideal for us to be making up our own lines; but this time, we were facing this type of problem…this kind of dialogue, we…have our own reasons. After seeing episode 15 (script), I was really conflicted. Maybe you guys don’t know, but in episode 15, Mu Gyul dies. When I saw the script, I really couldn’t accept it. I’m not saying I couldn’t play that scene, but I felt it was too….There were only 3 days left and I was still working nonstop to change the script. The actors were doing the same. During ep 16, I went with KJW Hyung to the banquet set up by the fans. Later, episode 16 was completely changed. The morning of filming, I suggested we use Mu Gyul’s car. But the station (KBS) said no. At the end, about one hour beforehand, the finally switched to using Mu Gyul’s car for filming. When we filmed it, I thought it was funny. Jung In was thrown out by his dad, where would he get the money, right?

(PS. I think he mentions this as an example of the little things he changed that people didn’t even pick up on. It’s true, if JI is tossed out on his butt, where does he have money for a car? That makes sense that they used MG’s car at the end to go to those promotional activities).

The next part is about the scene where his mom makes him the bean paste soup. I can translate it later if anyone is interested. Basically, he changed this whole scene (and sounds very proud of himself, rightfully so) because he felt that the way it was written- a mother would never talk like that (he says). So after discussing it with the director and “other seniors” (not sure who he’s referring to, but someone above the writer I’m sure), it was changed and the flashback with Mary was added and the mom’s lines were changed.

I loved this scene by the way. Sigh. I am once again very upset and sad for all of the actors, and the director as well. I am not going to respond to the writer attempting to !#!@$!@#!@ KILL HIM OFF because it’s bad for my heart and raises my blood pressure. I worship on the JSG altar, I do. (Fangirl AND real girl talking)

Next, in regards to Mu Gyul and his mom’s parts. It became a hopeless situation. (I think he means they wrote it so badly it couldn’t really be fixed). Mu Gyul seemed to become really petty and how could Mom say those kinds of words? With these questions in mind, I went and discussed with my seniors and also the director. We decided to change that woman’s (his mom) scenes and even Mary’s scenes were changed. While eating the bean paste soup, Mu Gyul thought about the bean paste soup Mary once made for him. In addition, facing this, his emotions exploded. Although his eyes filled with tears, absolutely…

 Why does Mom like ice cream– a grown-up kid? Oh, an adult who’s kind of like a kid, a little like that. An immature adult? Yes, an immature adult. Let’s make a comparison between the soup made by the immature adult Mother and the soup made by Mary. Mom’s soup tastes really bad. Even though eating it is difficult, but the feelings he has for Mary, although he remembers all of it, he can’t go back to her side. That’s why he forced himself to eat the soup. Based on this (these ideas), I changed the script.

 There were many other similar occasions, even though I can’t list them all here. From doing all this, I really learned a lot. Through this drama, I really learned a lot, and tried many new things. Because of this, I am not blaming anyone (translator note: don’t worry baby, we’ll do all the blaming and murdering for you!) Yes, I don’t blame anyone. I just think that the respective opinions were different. Since we all had our own ideas, at that instant and moment, because of the differing opinions, this lead to a very pitiful end product. But it’s a product all the actors worked really hard on and learned a lot from.

In a happy life, you may come to different realizations. There are lots of attacks (or setbacks) and unknowns. In truth, I learned this once again through this production of Marry Me Mary. So, I’m not going to do things the way other people want. I’m not going to just do what people have prepared for me. The reason I can’t become arrogant is because of these reasons. Actually, there are lots of things I want to say, but most likely there won’t be time to say it. There’s very little time for us to have a discussion. That’s why today, we’re having this special get-together. As we say goodbye to this TV series, I wanted to do this (have this fanmeet and talk) for everyone.

 What I wanted to do created a lot of changes. In fact in ep 16, there were lots of different occasions. From Geung Young, I accepted/received a lot. KJW Hyung also listened to me say a lot. If there’s a chance in the future, take the original script for ep 16 and compare it to the one I made. It would be very interesting to see them side by side.

ANOTHER INFORMATION translated by LizzyD.

When Mary received her award and started crying and thanking people (from Cinderella’s sister), JSG jokingly pounded the table and pointed at himself to indicate she should thank him. She didn’t. This is what she said instead: (translated from Baidu Chinese translation at the Mary site):

No matter what the situation or circumstances are, when the production team and actors go through a lot of sufferings together, it improves the path of their relationship. The director works very hard in producing the drama. Lots of unexpected situations and problems occur during filming, but everyone worked very hard to make changes. I believe that by judging a drama based solely on ratings, you’re overlooking the valuable results of the suffering, sacrifices, and creativity that go into producing the drama. Although Marry Me Mary had low ratings, I think that through everyone’s hard effort, we were able to turn in a satisfactory end product. We can say without regrets: “The hard work put in by the production crew, actors, and broadcasters is worthy of recognition.”


  1. Ralat ya.. sebenernya sukkie bukan di wawancara di radio .. tpi dia punya link live broadcast sendiri buat komunikasi sama fansnya .. n ini adalah translation dri omongan dia selama live broadcast ^__^

    Thanks dah translate

  2. oo gitu ? berarti gw siwer nh, thanks ralatnya ya sis :) boleh dong share2, klo km nemu info2 bru soal sukkie ;) gomawooo ...

  3. sama2 ... kita da page di fb .. cri-j indonesia .. maen2 yah ^_^

  4. ok, nti mampir kesitu deh :)
