
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jang Keun Suk's FM & Lounge H (Seoul)

akhirnyaaa....  yg dh ditgu2 nh,  Jang Geun Suk's  FM & Lounge H (Jan 29, 2011). gw nti apdet terus di halaman  ini juga, so jangan lupa direfresh terus halaman ini. mian klo ada foto2 yg burem, nti gw benerin klo nemu versi jelasnya.

update (16:00)
from cri-j indonesia
Negara tujuan Asian Tour 2011 - Jang Geun Suk: Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Shanghai !!

update (17:00)
from MSOAN fb fans page
Di acara LoungeH hari ini, fans bertanya pada Jang Geun Suk,  ia paling senang bekerja dengan artis siapa? Jang Geun Suk bilang, Moon Geun Young. Katanya, moonie punya karakter yang mirip dengannya, tidak mudah untuk berkompromi

update (21:00)

Jang Geun Suk menyampaikan kabar baik hari ini. Pertama, Asia Tour 2011 Jang Geun Suk akan diadakan di Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia dan Shanghai. Belum diketahui pasti apakah itu Fan Meeting Tour ataukah Lounge H Tour. Kabar kedua adalah Jang Geun Suk akan mulai syuting film "My Pet" bulan Maret 2011. *akhirnyaaaaa....dah gk sabar nh..*

update (30/01/11)

Jang Geun Suk akan rekaman album barunya mulai tanggal 31 januari. Ia juga menyatakan bahwa sebenarnya dari dulu ia mau memproduksi album, tapi umumnya priduser Korea cenderung tidak mau memberikan lagu2 bagus ke aktor, dan ia sudah mencoba utk bertemu dengan banyak produser dan meminta bantuan mereka tp tidak berhasil *WHATTTT!!!gk nyadar tuh mereka law sukkie punya massa ckckckck pabo* sampai akhirya ia bertemu dengan produser musik "Marry Me, Mary!". Jang Geun Suk merasa ia harus segera meraih kesempatan ini dan bergabung dengan produser musik itu.

Jang Geun Suk mengatakan pasangannya utk menikah nanti bisa jadi berumur lebih tua darinya, maksimal umurnya 40 tahun *ahemmm...*

 jang Geun Suk juga membicarakan Moon Geun Young. Ia berkata bahwa Moon Geun Young memiliki karakter yang sama dengannya. Mereka berdua bukan aktor yang "penurut" yang selalu mengikuti keinginan orang lain. Mereka termasuk aktor yang berharap bisa melakukan segalanya sesuai dengan keinginan mereka.

indonesian translation by Nae @ 

repost fr cri j indonesia fb - cr as lily_white20

lounge h venue

cr: loving jang geu suk - fb fanpage

ole candy for fans

The tickets to the FM, JKS official fanclub membership card, 
a souvenir notebook, a fun balloon and 
the Ole candy that JKS distributed free to eels

credit : 無敵LOLIxi (JKS baidu)
credit : 無敵LOLIxi (JKS baidu)
credit : 無敵LOLIxi (JKS baidu)
credit : 無敵LOLIxi (JKS baidu)

Today is THE DAY!! - Jang Keun Suk's  FM & Lounge H (Jan 29, 2011). I will report this event as it happens and all updates will be in this page, so mind the blurry pictures will ya? i'll fix it later ^^V don't forget to keep refreshing this page for more pictures and juicy news ;)

update (16:00)
from cri-j indonesia
Destination of Jang Keun Suk's Asian Tour 2011: Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Shanghai !!

update (17:00)
from MSOAN fb fans page
At LoungeH event today, fans asked Jang Keun Suk,  which is his most satisfied actress that he has cooperated with. Jang Keun Suk said, it is Moon Geun Young, she has the similar character with me, easy to compromise.

update (21:00)
There is still some good news for us which was announced by JKS today.
The first is his Asia Tour in 2011 in Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Shanghai. Hopefully, the list may grow as his tour winds around the region. At the moment, I am not sure whether it’s a fan-meeting tour, or a Lounge H tour.
The second is that JKS will start the filming of the movie “My Pet Lover” in March this year. Finally! The only movie this year that I’m looking forward to! 

update (30/01/11)
These are what Jang Keun Suk said during his 29 Jan events, and what we hear from people who were there.
1. JKS will be recording his new music album from 31 Jan onwards, and he sang a line from his new song.
2. JKS said that he had wanted to produce an album earlier, but generally Korean music producers tend not to give very good songs to actors, and he had actually been in touch with many music producers before to ask for their help, but it was very difficult until he met the music producer of “Marry me Mary” (M3). JKS felt that he must grab the opportunity to collaborate with this music producer.
[Me: Don’t understand which record company / music producer would want to pass up the chance to collaborate with JKS whose star power almost guarantees good album sales?]
3. JKS said that to him, the acceptable age range of a marriage partner is up to 40 years old.
4. He shared about M3 drama and also talked about Moon Geun Young (MGY). He said MGY has the same character as him. They are both not ‘obedient’ actors who will always follow what others want them to do. They are the kind of person who hopes to do things according to their own will.
5. JKS’ dog, Xiao-Chun left 2 piles of dog poo on stage. Eels tried to inform JKS but he didn’t hear it. Later when he saw it, he looked at Xiao-Chun who had a forlorn look on his face. Then, JKS pranced between the 2 piles of dog poo happily.
6. JKS said that he would not drink because he had to do Lounge H event, but in the end, he still took a few sips. “My Pet Lover” will start filming in spring, and a movie production announcement press conference is scheduled for March 2011.
Credits: baidusukbar
【SukBAR*后记】 据29日LH前线亲说,张总大概会在31号左右进录音棚录制他新专辑的歌曲。 听说,今天还现场唱了一句新曲。
【SukBAR*后记】 今天某抽说以前就想出专辑的,但是韩国音乐制作人一般不会给演员很好的曲子 所以他找过很多的音乐制作人,想让他们帮忙,但是很难。直到遇到玛丽里给他做这几首歌的制作人,他觉得一见到他就认为应该抓住他,和他合作!最后终于和这 个制作人连下了手,会制作新专辑。
【SukBAR*后记】 今天某抽说了他能接受的年上结婚的对象年龄是…………….大伙猜猜是多少 …….哈哈….是39,40岁都可以接受。
【SukBAR*后记】今天,说起小纯,就想笑。 小纯今天在LH上不小心留下了两坨便便。后来鳗鱼们看见,提醒根硕,他没听见 后来等他自己看见的时候,他望着小纯,小纯一脸忧郁的样子 (想起来就觉得好笑。)后来,他干脆就在那两坨便便中间蹦来蹦去 …还开心的很…(=-=)
【SukBAR*后记】(最后一个后记了…发完睡觉觉…大家晚安安 )某抽今天说今天因为做LH,所以不喝酒。但是最后还是喝了几口酒。(你真心爱喝酒 )——-PS:大家热切盼望的电影《宠物情人》会在春天开拍。3月份左右会有个电影制作发布会。

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