
Thursday, January 27, 2011

[Article & Video] Jang Geun Suk Mengungkapkan Proporsi Badannya - Actor Jang Geun-seok revealed his body proportions.

Proporsi badan Jang Geun Suk  "7,6"

Acara untuk Samsung Electronics "Player Galaxy Showcase" diadakan pada tanggal 27 di 6:30 di Seoul, Seocho-dong Delight Promosi Hall..

Hari itu, Jang Geun Suk berdiri gemetar, di depan sebuah kamera yang dapat mengukur proporsi tubuhnya.

Hasil pengukuran  7,6.   MC bertanya apakah ia puas (dengan hasil pengukurannnya), ia menjawab dengan bercanda bahwa seharusnya ia menambahkan satu  lagi tambahan tumit dan membuat lainnya tertawa

Dengan hadirnya model eksklusif Samsung, Jang Geun Suk, Kim Bo-reum dan' Master' team, acara ini disiarkan online di Facebook dan blog perusahaan.

source: hancinema

Jang Geun-seok, body proportions exactly "7.6"

The event for Samsung Electronics "Galaxy Player Showcase" was held on the 27th at 6:30 Pm in Seoul, Seocho-dong Delight Promotion Hall.

This day, Jang Geun-seok stood shaking, in front of a camera that could measure his body proportions.

The measurement was 7.6 parts. At the MC's question if he was satisfied, he wittily answered he should have added one more heel insert and caused laughter.

With exclusive models for Samsung electronics Jang Geun-seok, Kim Bo-reum and the 'Master' team, the showcase this day was broadcast live online on Facebook and the company blog.

Held with the theme 'Play Edgy Night', the event demonstrated the Galaxy Player's main strong points like; display, high quality sound techniques and various multimedia functions Edged Screen, Edgde Sound, and Edged Entertaining.

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