
Friday, December 31, 2010

Mary Stayed Out All Night - Marry Me, Mary ! - penulis pisode 16 = Jang Geun Suk !! kyaaaaa......

WE OUW WE..WEOOOOOOOWWW.....Jang Geun Suk bener2 multitalented!! modelling oke, acting okeyyy, main gitar oooookeeyyy, nyanyi wuoookeeeeeeeyyyyy, eehh...sekarang  muncul lagi bakat barunya sukkie oppa, jd penulis cerita utk episode 16  Mary Stayed Out All Night - Marry Me, Mary !

berarti klo dihitung2 drama ini ganti jaganim 3 kali, jaganim A *gak tahu namanya, tp dia yg nulis utk Full House* untuk episode 1 - 10, jaganim B *gak tau juga namanya siapa, yg jelas bukan sukkie oppa, jd gak penting geto looohhh...* untuk episode 11 - 15, daaaaaaannnnnn...... Sukkie Jaganim *mwuacch* utk episode 16.

gw seneng banget ma episode 16, palagi pas scene2 trio Moo Kyul - Jung In - Maeri. sayang dah episode terakhir, jd kyak buru2 endingnya. pdhl scene2 trio tuh masih nyimpen byk cerita yg bisa dikembangin. hrsnya sukkie jaganim pegang MSOAN dari awal kali yee, biar ceritanya gk ancurrrr...

oiya sedikit translate dr  artikel dibwh *kapan2 dilengkapin deh, kapan yaa...??^&$^%&%(*. 

Jang Keun Suk, "syuting episode 16 dimulai 2 hari sebelum panayangan MMM di tv dan episode terakhir gak punya waktu yg cukup utk menjelaskan cerita secara lengkap. Saya selalu berpikir 'gimana ya caranya utk memerankan (Mookyul) dengan baik? bisa gak sih gw?' Episode 16 juga harus mnunjukkan sisi Mary & Mookyul yg sedikit berbeda dari waktu sebelumnya"  Jadi "ketika saya sdang beristirahat, saya menulis ulang script. saya menambahkan scene komedi Mookyul & Jung In" 

krn skrip ditulis ulang sama sukkie, MSOAN / MMM jd punya ending yg sempurna. Jang Geun Suk benar2 menjadi sutradara & penulis cerita MMM

klo bukan sukkie yg turun tangan, MSOAN gak happy ending. di cerita aslinya, Moo kyul diputusin sama Maery, arrrrgggghhhhh...menyebalkaaaan..... *ngelempar bakiak ke jaganim A & B*
Indonesian Translation by
artikel asli:

KBS 2TV MMM is over. Mary came back to Mu Gyul in the end, which made the audiences who felt pity before got a little bit comfort from the happy ending.

But this ending was hiding a huge secret. That is Jang Keun Suk made a great contribution to the ending of MMM Ep.16. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that Ep.16 is written by Jang Keun Suk.

Jang Keun Suk revealed, “The shooting of Ep.16 started two days before MMM broadcast and the last episode didn’t have enough time to tell the whole story. I always kept thinking ‘how to act it out well? Can I do so?’ Also have to show a little different side of Mary and Mu Gyul from the previous time. ”

Therefore,”when I rested in the lounge, I rewrite the script. I suddenly added the comedy scenes of Mu Gyul and Jung In.” because it was rewritten by Jang Keun Suk, MMM had a perfect ending. Jang Keun Suk actually is MMM’s director and writer.

Originally Mu Gyul and Jung In hold a grudge with each other. It brought an impact of fresh sense because of the comedy scenes. This was like a gift to MMM fans who felt sorry for the last episode, which made them very happy. To it Jang Keun Suk said with satisfaction,” wasn’t it a romance comedy? This is the shortcut and the correct answer as well.”

From what Jang Keun Suk said, in the last episode of MMM, Mu Gyul was supposed to be dumped by Mary, and then cried in his mom’s arms. Because of Jang Keun Suk, Mary made a 180°shift.

What well worth seeing was that Mu Gyul wore all the same clothes at the END of EP16 as EP1. In order to give a feeling of freshness to the audiences, not only the clothes but the same accessories appeared on the screen again. To the audiences it seemed to play a finding fault games.

Mu Gyul suffered a lot all along his way. Once again coming back to shoot at Hongdae, when there was 10 hours before MMM broadcast., Jang Keun Suk suddenly proposed his changes. Before playing in MMM, he often suggested to the director, “Let's do it like this”, which showed him an ambitious actor.

Jang Keun Suk’s active participation was totally out of his ambition and affection to this character. According to this work, a condition of the negative evaluations or the falling watching ratings surely would cause to lose enthusiasm in the stand as an actor. But Jang Keun Suk wouldn’t be like this. Before feeling regret and dissatisfied, he knew how to analyze the work.

Now Jang Keun Suk is busy with overseas fan meeting and his next work. Jang Keun Suk regarded MMM as his stepping-stone. What kind of development and progress will he have? We're really looking forward to it.