
Monday, March 8, 2010

[News] Jang Geun Suk Kembali Berakting di You're My Pet - Jang Geun Suk to return to screen with You’re My Pet

Kekasih dari semua noonas *and ahjumma like me keke*, Jang Geun Suk telah mengkonfirmasi pilihannya untuk berakting di You're My Pet.Kisah You're My Pet diambil dari komik populer Jepang dengan judul yang sama - seri telah dibuat menjadi beberapa adaptasi, termasuk acara kabel pada saluran Korea beberapa waktu yang lalu.

Plot akan berfokus pada cerita tentang bagaimana seorang editor fashion terkemuka mulai hidup bersama dengan "pria cantik" yang lebih muda.

Wow, dulu perperan sebagai idola, lalu sebagai pembunuh, dan sekarang sebagai binatang peliharaan? Indonesian Translation by

 The heartthrob of all noonas around, Jang Geun Suk has confirmed his selection for the main male role of an upcoming chick flick, You’re My Pet. You’re My Pet will be based on a popular Japanese comic series of the same title – the series has already been made into several adaptations, including a cable show on a Korean channel a while ago.

The plot will focus around a story of how a prominent fashion editor begins to live together with a pretty boy of young age.

As many already know, Jang Geun Suk’s anticipated role of the “pretty boy” has once been reserved for Kim Hyun Joong only a couple months ago. However, he has rejected the offer for untold reasons, leaving many of his fans disappointed.

Wow, first an idol, then a murderer, and now a pet? Jang Geun Suk is sure on a roll these days!

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