
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jang Geun Suk, Naked at Home.....

Jang Geun Suk naked kalau di rumah? aaaauuwwwww.......*gigit2bantal*

Artikel Februari 2010 - Credit: Newsen

Dalam sebuah wawancara tanggal 6 Februari 2010 oleh SBS Entertainment Tonight, Jang Geun Suk mengungkapkan segala hal tentang dirinya sendiri, juga alasan mengapa teman-teman memanggilnya "Naked-Sama."

"Sejujurnya, ketika saya di rumah atau di workshop saya, saya hanya memakai bathrope, tanpa memakai apapun di dalamnya." *(lagi) auuwww.....*

"Jika ada musik, saya akan mulai ngedance, itulah mengapa saya mendapat julukan Naked-Sama."

Jang Geun Suk telah mengalami peningkatan luar biasa dalam hal popularitas dan fan-base setelah perannya pada tahun 2009 di You're Beautiful sebagai Hwang Kyung Tae, dan dengan cepat menjadi salah satu bintang Korea terpanas. Tetapi bahkan bintang terpanas perlu memiliki saat-saat "aku-hanya-manusia-normal-so-jangan-hakim-aku"  kan?

Dalam wawancara itu, ia juga menyebutkan bahwa menghabiskan waktu dengan para penggemarnya dan berbicara dengan mereka adahal hal yang benar-benar menyenangkan, dan berharap bahwa orang akan terus melihat dia dan mendukung dia. Dia berjanji pada penggemar dan pemirsa bahwa ia masih memiliki lebih banyak yang bisa ditunjukkan meskipun ia tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang.

Credit: newsen

Well, not exactly.

In an interview done on February 6th by SBS Entertainment Tonight, Jang Geun Suk shared revealing information about himself, as well as the reason why friends call him “Naked-Sama.”

“Truthfully, when I am at home or my workshop, I only wear a shower gown, with nothing underneath.”

Talk about revealing. But that’s just the half of it, he also shared what he likes to do when he’s au naturale…

“If there’s music on, then I start to dance, which is what got me the nickname Naked-Sama.”

Jang Geun Suk has had an overwhelming increase in popularity and fan-base after his role in 2009′s You’re Beautiful as Hwang Tae Kyung, and is quickly becoming one of Korea’s hottest stars. But even the hottest stars need to have their I’m-normal-so-don’t-judge-me moments, right?

In the interview, he also mentioned that spending time with his fans and talking with them was really fun, and hopes that people will continue to watch him and support him. He promised his fans and viewers that he has much more to show (get your head out of the gutter, gals!), even though he has no clue what the future may hold.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jang Geun Suk in Sageuk - 황진이 / 黃眞伊 / Hwang Jini / Hwang Jin Yi / Dust Storm


The story of Hwang Jin Yi, the famous 16th century Gisaeng. This story is about the life of Joseon-era dancer, musician and poet, Hwang Jin Yi, who seeks perfection in her art relentlessly and the hardship facing women due to their lowly social status. Hwang Jin Yi (Ha Ji Won) is the illegitimate child of a noble and Heon Keum (Jun Mi Sun), a noted musician gisaneg. The story centers on the four men in her life and her pursue in the art of dancing. Her first love with a nobleman's son Kim Eun Ho (Jang Geun Suk)ends in tragedy. Her love affair with Kim Jung Han (Kim Jae Won) does not have a happy ending either. Byuk Kye Soo (Yoo tae Joon) is the Emporer's relative who are obsessed with her and tried every trick but still could not have her. Finally there is her devoted bodyguard Yi Saeng ( Lee Shi Hwan)who never deserted her in times of need. Meanwhile, there is Bu Yong ( Wong Bit Na) who not only is Hwang Ji Yi's rival in dancing but also in love.

*jadi inget hwangtaekyung vs gominam hihi*

Friday, February 5, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

[News] Jang Geun Suk’s fan meeting in Seoul

Tanggal  31 Januari, Jang Geun Suk mengadakan  FM (Fans Meeting) di Seoul Olympic Hall. Lebih dari 3.000 fans hadir dan sekitar 700 dari mereka adalah fans internasional. Penerjemahan bahasa secara langsung time live menerjemahkan yang tersedia untuk para fans internasional yang datang ke Korea untuk melihat bintang You're Beautiful

Dia menyanyikan lagu hit seperti 2PM’s Heartbeat, H.O.T.’s old school song Candy, Rain’s It’s Raining, dan banyak lagi.

Jang Geuk Suk menyatakan bahwa  ia jauh lebih gugup di FM ini daripada FM sebelumnya, dimana lebih dari 2.000 penggemar Jepang berkumpul untuk melihat dia di Jepang. Ia juga mengumumkan rencana ambisius nya (atau keinginan) yang menyatakan bahwa dia ingin menyelenggarakan FM di Seoul Olympic Stadium dengan 70.000 kursi dan Tokyo Dome dengan 55.000 kursi Indonesian Translation by

On January 31st, Jang Geun Suk held a fan meeting at Seoul’s Olympic Hall. More than 3,000 fans were in attendance and about 700 of them were international fans. Real-time live translating was available for these international fans who came to Korea to get a glimpse of the You’re Beautiful star.

He put on a great show for the fans by performing such hits as 2PM’s Heartbeat, H.O.T.’s old school song Candy, Rain’s It’s Raining, and much more.

Jang Geuk Suk mentioned that he was much more nervous for this fan meeting than his previous one, where more than 2,000 Japanese fans gathered to see him in Japan. He also announced his ambitious plans (or wishes) stating that he would like to one day hold fan meetings at the 70,000 seat Seoul Olympic Stadium and 55,000 seat Tokyo Dome.