
Monday, January 25, 2010

[VideoS] [BTS- Behind the Scene] You Are Beautiful - He's Beautiful

tadinya mo cari bts you are beautiful yg pas adegan  razor, eeh..malah ketmu yg lain. ini bru secuilnya ja loo,  nti di update lagi dh. banyaaaak banget, lucu2. lom sempet gw tonton semuanya nh, jd klo da yg aneh2 let me know iiaaaa...

Kumpulan Video BTS  You Are  Beautiful - He's Beautiful

Collection of Behind-The-Scene Video, The Making of You Are  Beautiful - He's Beautiful

Saturday, January 23, 2010

[News] Jang Geun Suk Mengadakan Tour di ...Asia!- Jang Geun Seok is going on a tour… in Asia!

Aktor / penyanyi Jang Geun Suk akan tur di seluruh Asia dari bulan Maret sampai Mei untuk mempromosikan You're Beautiful. Sejak drama terbarunya, Jang Geun Suk telah menjadi terkenal. Dia bahkan dianugerahi "Netizens Highest Popularity Award" di SBS Drama Awards 2009, yang menunjukka popularitasnya mulai berkembang di Korea.

Namun, You're Beautiful ternyata dinikmati tidak hanya di Korea, tetapi secara online dan di luar negeri juga, yang disiarkan di 17 negara. Menghadapi persaingan yang ketat dari IRIS drama KBS, You're Beautiful berhasil secara konsistendi  peringkat tinggi dan mempertahankan fanbase yang besar.

Dengan popularitasnya yang  mengesankan di luar Korea, pantas bila Jang Geun Suk mengadakan perjalanan ke negara-negara lain dan mempromosikan dramanya lebih jauh. Sehingga ia dijadwalkan mengadakan pertemuan penggemar di Cina, Taiwan, Hong Kong, dan Singapura.

Salah satu perwakilan nya menyatakan, "Pada akhir bulan ini, Jang Geun Suk akan mengadakan pertemuan penggemar di Korea. Karena permintaan yang luar biasa dari fans internasional, ia juga akan mengadakan pertemuan penggemar di Thailand dan Filipina tahun ini juga. Setelah menyelesaikan tur Asia, ia berencana mencari dan mendapatkan proyek aktingnya berikutnya dan  kembali bekerja secepat mungkin. Terima kasih untuk cinta konstan dan dukungan untuk Jang Geun Suk. "

Fanmeeting di Korea dijadwalkan tanggal 31 di Olimpiade Seoul Hall.

Apakah Jang Geun Suk akan datang ke negara Anda? Kita tunggu saja !  Indonesian Translation by<

To the lucky fans in Asia, Mother Superior has finally answered your prayers! Actor / singer Jang Geun Seok will be touring throughout Asia from March until May to promote You’re Beautiful. Since his latest drama, Jang Geun Seok has escalated to fame at an alarming rate. He was even awarded the “Netizens Highest Popularity Award” at the 2009 SBS Drama Awards, attesting to his growing popularity in Korea.

However, You’re Beautiful has been enjoyed not only in Korea, but online and overseas as well, being broadcasted in 17 different countries.Despite the stiff competition it faced from KBS drama IRIS, You’re Beautiful managed to consistently receive high ratings and maintain a large fanbase.

With such an impressive popularity outside of Korea, it is only fitting that Jang Geun Seok travels to the appropriate countries and promotes the drama even further. As a result, he is scheduled to hold fan meetings in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

One of his representatives stated, “At the end of this month, Jang Geun Seok will be holding a fan meeting in Korea. Due to overwhelming requests from international fans, he will also be holding fan meetings in Thailand and the Philippines sometime this year as well. After completing the Asian tour, he plans find his next acting project and get back to work as soon as possible. Thank you for your constant love and support for Jang Geun Seok.”

His fan meeting in Korea is slated for the 31st at Seoul’s Olympic Hall.

Will Jang Geun Seok be coming to a country near you? Let us know!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jang Keun Suk's "100 Answers to 100 Questions" in YB vol 2

1. Nama asli Anda ? Jang Geun-seok
2. Tanggal lahir ? 4 Agustus 1987
3. Tempat lahir ?Seoul
4. Pada September 2010, tinggi badan Anda ?180,4 … .5
5. Pada September 2010, ukuran sepatu Anda ? 275 mm
6. Beritahu kami rahasia tentang tubuh Anda yang hanya Anda yang tahu ? Pinggangku terlihat sedikit lebih panjang di depan dan kakiku terlihat sedikit lebih panjang dari samping. Panjang mereka berbeda ketika Anda lihat dari sudut yang berbeda *a tiny flaw only makes you sexier..keun suk ahhh...*
7. Ada julukan ? Psycho
8. Impian di masa kecil Anda ? Seorang insinyur di pusat mobil, dokter, atau pemilik LA Steakhouse.
9. Sebuah kata untuk menggambarkan kepribadian Anda? Keren ~!
10. Musim favorit Anda ? Musim panas
11. Selebriti yang paling dikagumi ? Lee Byeong-heon
12. Apa yang akan terjadi pada Anda setelah 10 tahun ? Kupikir aku tidak akan berakting sampai aku mati … mungkin aku akan menikah dan memulai keluargaku sendiri.
13. Berapa usia yang Anda inginkan untuk menikah? Jika aku menemukan gadis yang tepat, besoknya aku menikah
14. Berapa banyak anak yang Anda inginkan ? 1 putra 1 putri
15. Apa jenis ayah yang Anda inginkan ? Seorang ayah yang berperilaku sebagai teman atau saudara yang lebih tua
16. Apa yang Anda pikir adalah fitur yang paling menarik ? Leherku indah
17. Lagu apa yang Anda sering nyanyikan di karaoke ? Lagu Eric Benet “still with you”
18. Merek favorit Anda yang paling sesuai ? (Ia tidak menjawab)
19. Apa aksesoris yang kamu suka ? Syal, gelang dan cincin
20. Apa yang paling kamu benci ? Sesuatu yang lezat namun berminyak
21. Apa yang kamu paling suka sekarang ? Mobilku dengan sistem pembuangan yang adjustable (?)
22. Apa yang paling Anda inginkan sekarang ? Laptop.
23. Warna ponsel Anda ? Hitam dan putih (iPhone dan Blackberry)
24. Apa nada dering Anda ? Rock your body rock
25. Apa wallpaper pada ponsel Anda ? Sama seperti saat pembelian
26. Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan ketika Anda bangun ? Menghidupkan TV dan makan mackerel panggang dan nasi untuk sarapan
27. Apa yang Anda lakukan pada malam hari ? Aku menonton TV dan tertidur dengan TV menyala *sama bgt nh ma gw*
28. Apa jenis piyama yang Anda pakai untuk tidur ?Aku hanya memakai celana. Kadang-kadang aku memakai baju tidur tanpa memakai apapun  di dalamnya *ouuwwww...gulp*
29. Kapan Anda merasa senangnya sebagai selebriti ? Ketika menerima layanan khusus di restoran … ketika membeli sesuatu dengan harga diskon
30. Jika Anda bisa kembali ke masa lalu, kapan Anda ingin kembali ? Pada usia 20. Karena tidak ada yang  kukhawatirkan saa itu, dan aku senang
31. Hewan favorit Anda? Puppies
32. Apa motto Anda? Tit for tat is fair play
33. Jika Anda bisa libur seminggu, apa yang akan Anda lakukan? Aku akan berkeliling dunia sendirian dan travelling sepanjang jalan nasional di Korea Utara
34. Baru-baru ini kata yang paling bahagia yang Anda dengar dari orang-orang sekitar? Rambut Anda begitu lembut.
35. Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan ? Anda........sendirian?
36. Kapan cinta pertama anda? Saat belajar di Selandia Baru
37. Gadis macam apa dia ? Seorang gadis dengan mata besar, kulit coklat kurus. *ahemmm....blushingnaesukkie*
38. Apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman diputuskan cinta oleh orang lain sejauh ini ? Aku keluar dengan gadis-gadis hanya untuk beberapa kali, jadi …
39. Bagaimana Anda mengakui cinta Anda? Melalui surat, telepon, e-mail, atau mengatakannya terus terang ? Pertama aku akan mengirim e-mail untuk melihat reaksinya. Jika ada tanggapan, aku akan mengatakan langsung muka dengan muka.
40. Kapan ciuman pertama Anda ? Kelas tiga di sekolah menengah dengan gadis yang 1 tahun lebih tua dariku *prefers noona huh ? wohooooo....*
41. Di mana Anda ingin upacara pernikahan Anda ? Di atas hamparan rumput
42. Jika Anda telah memenangkan undian sebesar ¥ 100.000.000, bagaimana anda akan menggunakan uang itu ? Beli lotere lagi dengan ¥ 100.000.000
43. Apa hewan peliharaan Anda ? Seekor anak anjing
44. Apa namanya ? Sophie Marcella Antoinette Suni
45. Apa jenis film yang kamu suka ? Thriller, komedi romantis
46. Olahraga apa yang Anda kuasai? Snowboarding, balap
47. Hal terakhir yang Anda beli baru-baru ini di Tokyo ? Satu kotak Polaroid Film yang dibeli di Don Quixote

48. Hal apa yang baru-baru saja membuat Anda jengkel? Baru kemarin aku ditilang karena parkir di tempat yang dilarang

49. Pada saat apa Anda akan berkata “Saya jenius”. Aku bisa mengingat semua kejadian mulai umur usia 5 tahun, bahkan sampai sekarang.

50. Lagu apa yang Anda dengarkan ketika Anda bahagia ?Muse “Time is running out”

51. Warna favorit Anda? Krem

52. Kata favorit Anda? Kiss *mwuaaachh....*

53. Saat ini anda sedang sibuk apa? Mempersiapkan drama baru

54. Makanan favorit Anda? Makanan pedas, hot pot, daging dan sayur di atas nasi

55. Apa makanan yang Anda sukai? Lasagna *yum...*, Foie gras (hati angsa), cheese cake (meskipun itu yummy, itu membuatku gemuk)

56. Apa minuman beralkohol yang kamu suka? Selama itu alkohol, aku suka semua

57. Parfum Anda ? Vanilla mist
58. Mana yang anda suka lebih baik, babi atau kelinci? Kelinci

59. Mengapa? Rambut babi tidak lembut sama sekali

60. Apa perasaan Anda ketika mendengar ANJELL untuk pertama kalinya? Aku bertanya-tanya apa artinya

61. Orang yang paling Anda hormati? Ibuku

62. Anggota keluarga? Ibu, ayah, aku dan Sophie Marcella Antoinette Suni

63. Apakah Anda terlihat seperti ayah atau ibu? Ketika tersenyum, seperti ibu, ketika berekspresi seperti ayah

64. Bagaimana keluarga Anda memanggil Anda?Seok ah, Musuh (… saingan, mungkin …), Hei, Yah ~, kamu … sesuatu seperti itu *suk aaahh.....*

65. Dapatkah anda memperkenalkan tempat lahir Anda ? Seoul adalah ibukota Korea Selatan dan kampung halaman keduaku adalah Danyang di Chungcheong Utara. Karena pekerjaan ayahku, aku pernah tinggal di sana selama 5 tahun ketika aku masih kecil

66. Buku apa yang kau baca akhir-akhir ini? Sebuah komik ? Mary stayed out all night

67. Jika Anda memiliki bertengkar dengan orang lain, akankah Anda minta maaf dulu? Aku tidak akan marah, tapi aku akan selalu berpikiran sempit

68. Terakhir kali Anda menangis? Aku tidak ingat … mungkin saat tur Asia di Beijing?
69. Apa alasannya? Acara kejutan fans

70. Dibandingkan dengan 3 penyanyi lain di You’re Beautiful, dalam hal apa yang Anda pikir Anda lebih unggul dari mereka? Penampilan, berakting, alkohol

71. Jika terjadi di perjalanan di musim panas, di mana Anda lebih memilih untuk pergi, laut atau gunung? Tak perlu diragukan lagi, pasti aku ke laut

72. Apa hal yang paling membahagiakan dalam hidup Anda? Ketika aku membeli mobil

73. Apa hal yang paling menyentuh hati Anda dalam hidup? Ketika fans menulis surat untuk ibuku agar aku bisa membeli mobil

74. Apa hal yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup? Ketika saudara Suni meninggal

75. Apa kegagalan terbesar Anda dalam hidup? Aku tidak punya saat ini

76. Apa yang bisa Anda ingat awalnya di memori Anda? Ketika aku masih sekitar 4 tahun, alat perekam dan telepon nirkabel di rumahku

77. Apa bagian favorit Anda dari tubuh dan wajah? Tangan, pergelangan tangan, pergelangan kaki

78. Bagian tubuh mana yang Anda sukai? Pinggang *haba haba...*

79. Di mana Anda ingin pergi sekarang? Aku ingin pergi berkemah sekarang, segera!

80. Apa kebiasaan sehari-hari Anda? Membaca berita internet

81. Apa yang membuat Anda sial? Aku benci segala sesuatu yang diyakini membawa sial. Aku tidak ingin mencoba.

82. Apa pelajaran yang Anda kuasai  ? Inggris dan Jepang

83. Apa pelajaran yang paling tidak Anda kuasai ? Matematika dan sains

84. Sering menulis kata-kata apa pada transkrip Anda? Aktif  di pekerjaan utama, mempunya hubungan baik dengan teman sekelas lain, dan memiliki kemampuan respon yang kuat

85. Kapan Anda mendapatkan lisensi mengemudi Anda ? High School Third Grade, satu hari setelah ulang tahunku

86. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler saat masih sekolah ? Klub apresiasi film

87. Apa spesialisasi Anda? Memasak

88. Apa yang paling membanggakan di kamar Anda? Alat penghitung yang kubeli

89. Apa harta di masa kecil Anda? Dompet dan kartu anggota (toko sewa DVD)

90. Hal-hal yang harus Anda bawa ketika Anda keluar setiap hari? Kamera, laptop

91. Musik siapa yang Anda senangi? Craig David

92. Berapa banyak Anda punya NG sejauh ini? Cukup banyak

93. Teman selebriti ? Phillip Lee, Lee Hong-ki, Kim Hee-chul, Yeon Jung-hoon

94. Pertanyaan apa yang Anda inginkan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam 100 pertanyaan?Apakah saat ini Anda punya pacar?

95. Jadi … apa jawaban anda? It’s you

96. Sebuah kata untuk menggambarkan Park Shin-hye ? Lucu

97. Sebuah kata untuk menggambarkan Lee Hong-ki ? Seorang pria berbahaya(hahaha)

98. Bagaimana Jung Yong-hwa ? Bagaimana kabarmu? (???)

99. Di mana Anda menulis itu? Di rumah

100. Apa yang Anda rencanakan untuk lakukan setelah ini ?Menginstal desain software Indonesian Translation by<

1. Your real name? Jang Geun-seok
2. Date of birth? August 4, 1987
3. Place of birth? Seoul
4. In September 2010, your height? 180.4 ... .5
5. In September 2010, your shoe size? 275 mm
6. Tell us a secret about your body that only you know? My waist looks a little long in the front and my legs look a little longer than the side. The length is different when you see them from different angles.
7. There is a nickname? Psycho
8. Dream in your childhood? An engineer at the center of the car, doctor, or the owner of LA steakhouse.
9. A word to describe your personality? Cool ~!
10. Your favorite season? Summer
11. The most admired celebrity? Lee Byeong-heon
12. What will happen to you after 10 years?
I think I will not act until I die ... maybe I'll get married and start my own family.
13. How old do you want to get married? If I find the right girl, tomorrow as well so
14. How many children do you want? A son and a princess
15. What kind of father do you want? A father who behaves as a friend or older brother
16. What do you think is the most attractive feature? My neck beautiful
17. What song do you often sing at karaoke? Song Eric Benet "still with you"
18. Your favorite brand that best suits? (He did not answer)
19. What accessories do you like? Shawls, bracelets and rings
20. What do you hate most? Something tasty but greasy
21. What are you most like now? My car is loaded with adjustable exhaust system
22. What do you want now? Laptop. I use discs that have been hard for 3 years now inaccessible
23. The color of your phone? Black and White (iPhone and Blackberry)
24. What's your ringtone? Rock your body rock
25. What is the wallpaper on your phone? Just like the time of purchase
26. The first thing to do when you wake up? Turning on the TV and have a grilled mackerel and rice for breakfast
27. What do you do at night? I watch TV and fall asleep with the TV
28. What kind of pajamas do you wear to bed? I just wear pants. Sometimes I wear clothes to bed with nothing in it
29. When do you feel good as a celebrity? When receiving a special service at the restaurant ... when buying something at a discount
30. If you could go back in time, when you want to return? At the age of 20. Because nothing can be feared at the time, and I'm glad
31. Your favorite animal? Puppies
32. What is your motto? Tit for tat is fair play
33. If you can take a week off / vacation, what would you do? I'll be traveling the world alone and travel along the national road in North Korea
34. Recently, the happiest words you hear from the people around? Your hair is so soft.
35. Frequently asked questions? You, alone?
36. When was your first love? During the study in New Zealand
37. What kind of girl is she? A girl with big eyes, thin brown skin. Ah ... I'll cry
38. Do you have experience discarded by others so far? I went out with girls just for a couple of times, so ...
39. How do you confess your love? By mail, telephone, e-mail, or to say it bluntly? I will send an e-mail first to see the reaction. If no response, I would say directly face to face.
40. When was your first kiss? Class three in high school with a girl 1 year older than me
41. Where do you want your wedding ceremony? On the grass
42. If you have won 100 million yen in the lottery, how you will use the money? Buy lottery again with 100 million yen
43. What is your pet? A puppy
44. What's his name? Sophie Marcella Antoinette Sunni (the name of my dog house)
45. What kind of movies do you like? Thriller, romantic comedy
46. What sport are you good at? Snowboarding, racing
47. The last thing you bought recently in Tokyo? A box of Polaroid film purchased at Don Quixote
48. What's the last thing that made you upset? Just yesterday I received a ticket for illegal parking
49. At the moment what you will say "I am a genius". I can remember all that began at age 5 years, even until now.
50. What song do you listen to when you're happy? Muse "Time is running out"
51. Your favorite color? Cream
52. Your favorite word? Kiss (po po Hea)
53.Apa are you busy? Preparing for new drama
54. Your favorite food? Food Spicy, hot pot, meat and vegetables over rice
55. What food do you like? Lasagna, Foie gras (goose liver), cheese cake (even though it's yummy, it makes me fat)
56. What alcoholic drinks do you like? During that alcohol, I like it all
57. Your Perfume? Vanilla Mist
58. Which do you like better, pig or rabbit? Rabbit
59. Why? Pig's hair is not soft at all
60. What are your feelings on hearing ANJELL for the first time? I wonder what it means
61. The person you most respect? My mom
62. Family members? Mom, dad, me and Sophie Marcella Antoinette Sunni
63. Do you look like your father or mother? When smiling, like a mother, when the expression, like father
64. What do you call your family? Seok ah, Enemy (... rival, maybe ...), Hey, Dad ~, you ... something like that
65. Can you introduce your birthplace? Seoul is the capital of South Korea and is my second hometown Danyang in North Chungcheong. Because of my father's job, I had lived there for 5 years when I was little
66. What book are you reading lately? A comic? Mary stayed out all night
67. If you have a quarrel with another person, would you apologize first? I'm not going mad, but I will always be narrow-minded
68. Last time you cried? I do not remember ... maybe during a tour of Asia in Beijing? 69. What reason? Events surprises fans
70. Compared with 3 other singers in the You're Beautiful, in terms of what you think you are superior to them? Appearances, acting, alcohol
71. If going on the trip in summer, where you would prefer to go, sea or mountains? Needless to say, it certainly is the sea
72. What things are you most happy in your life? When I buy a car
73. What's the most touching thing in life? When fans write letters to my mother so I could buy a car
74. What's the saddest thing in life? When the brother died Sunni
75. What is your greatest failure in life? I do not have current
76. What can you remember the first on your memory? When I was about 4 years, recording devices and wireless phones in my house
77. What's your favorite part of the body and face? Hands, wrists, ankles
78. Which body part do you like? Waist
79. Where do you want to go now? I want to go camping now, immediately!
80. What are your daily habits? Read Internet news
81. What makes you unhappy? I hate everything that is believed to bring bad luck. I do not want to try.
82. What lessons do you believe? Britain and Japan
83. What's your worst lesson? Mathematics and science
84. Often write the words on your transcript? In so doing the main job is active, the better with other classmates, and have the ability to respond strongly
85. When did you get your driving license? Third Grade I was in High School the next day after my birthday
86. Any extracurricular activities while still in school? Film appreciation club
87. What is your specialty? Cooking
88. What is most proud of in your room? Tool that I bought timers
89. What treasures in your childhood? Wallet and card member (DVD rental store)
90. The things that you should bring with you when you come out every day? Camera, laptop
91. Music who do you love? Craig David
92. How many of you have NG so far? Quite a lot
93. Celebrity friend? Phillip Lee, Lee Hong-ki, Kim Hee-chul, Yeon Jung-hoon
94. Question what you want to put in 100 questions? Do you currently have a girlfriend?
95. So ... what's your answer? It's you
96. A word to describe Park Shin-hye? Cute
97. A word to describe Lee Hong-ki? A dangerous man (hahaha)
98. How Jung Yong-hwa? How are you?
99. Where do you write it? At home
100. What do you plan to do after this? Installing the software design

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tentang Sukkie Oppa - Jang Geun Suk - Jang Keun Suk - Jang Geun Seok

Jang Geun Suk 's Profile
Name: Jang Geun Suk / 장근석 / Jang Geun Seok / 张根锡 / Jang Keun Suk / 張根錫 / チャン・グンソク / จางกึนซอก / 張根碩 / show off
Birthdate: 1987-08-04
Birthplace: Chungcheong, South Korea
Height: 180.4cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood type: A

About Jang Geun Suk


KwangJang Middle School

Bangsan High School

New Zealand Nelson College

Hanyang University Drama (Major in Movie)

School Year:

February 2000 - Seoul DongYi Primary School Graduate

February 2003 - KwangJang Middle School Graduate

January 2003 - New Zealand Neslson College Enrollment

July 2003 - Bangsan High School First Year Joins in the Middle of course

February 2006 - Hanyang University Enrollment - Drama (Major in Movie)

Hobbies: listening to music, snowboarding, skiing, singing, dancing

Treasure: Family, playstation

Favourite Colour: Blue, Ivory White

Speciality: Skiing, Snowboarding

Favourite Food: Spicy Food, - GeJang(Marinated Raw Crabs)

Favourite Fruit: Pineaple

Most Respected Person: Kim Gu Kim Gu Profile

Ideal Partner: Honest, Cute, Woman with great sense of dressing

What is the first feature that you look in a woman: Eyes

What do you hear most from opposite gender: You are so cute

Favourite Possession: Clothes, Accessories

Motto: Nothing is Impossible!

Close Celeb Friends: CSJH Stephanie, Isak, MC Mong, Moon Geun yong, Yoo Ah In, Choi Si Won

Favourite Actor: Ahn Sung-Ki

Debut: Sitcom Selling Happiness

First Debut Drama: Women’s World

Geun Seok is multi talented. He has done VJ, MC, Voice dubbed for cartoon, Acting, Modelling.

Geun Seok has done modelling for MCM, Etude, LeSportsac, Motorola, etc.

Geun Seok also plays guitar. He sings, he dance too, even tap dancing.


SBS 1998 - Hug

SBS 2001 - Women’s World

MBC 2001 - Four Sisters’ Story

SBS 2002 - The Great Ambition

SBS 2002 - School

SBS 2002 - Orange

MBC 2003 - Nonstop 4

SBS 2005 - Lovers in Prague, Lovers In Prague Thread

Tooniverse 2006 - Alien Sam, KBS2 2006 - Hwang Jin Yi

KBS2 2007 - Hong Gil Dong, Hong Gil Dong Thread Hong Gil Dong comic

MBC 3rd Sept 2008 - Beethoven virus

SBS 2009 - You’re Beautiful


2006 KBS Performance Awards: Best couple Award With Ha Ji Won For Hwang Jin Yi

2008 44th BaekSang Art Awards: Film Section - BEST NEW ACTOR

2008 MBC Drama Awards: Newcomer Award (Bethoven Virus)

2008 KBS Drama Awards: Popular Actor Award (Hong Gil Dong)


2002 Cartoon - Treasure Planet, (Voice For Cartoon Movie)

2006 One Missed Call Final

2007 The Happy Life

2008 Crazy Waiting, The Longest 24 Months -Won-Jae

2008 Doremifasolasido

2008 Baby and Me

2009 The Case of Itaewon Homicide, Itaewon Salinsageon


2001-2004 - SK TING, (With BoA)

2005-2006 - Skool Looks,

Coca Cola

Daily Milk


Salim Food

2006 - Chic Choc Biscuits

2006 Shu Uemura

2007 LeSportsac

2007 - ETUDE [CF] etude vitcara cf - making film [CF] Etude CF 04 - vitcara 20070806 YTN Star - Go Ara, Jang Geun Seok New Etude CF Etude Wallpapers

Kellogs Cornflakes advertisement

Ottogi Quick Meals advertisement

2008 - BSX Youtube BSX Making Commersial BSX Pics