
Monday, November 23, 2009

Jang Geun Suk lost 7kg to film "You're beautiful"

***omomomo... nurunin berat badan sampe 7 kg, cuma supaya doi bisa masuk ke karakter hwang tae kyung yang cantik. daebak sukkieee... berat badan setelah diturunin : 60 kg (sama pas gw lg gemuk2nya :p)***

It was revealed that Jang Geun Suk have losted 7kg to film SBS Drama "You're Beautiful". Jang Geun Suk plays character 'Hwang Tae Kyung'.

On the 23rd of November, Jang Geun Suk's management company revealed (disclosed) that Jang Geun Suk jas been on a special diet regime to lose weight before the filming starts. As of the result, the actor has lost a total of 7kg.

Jang Geun Suk replied: "As an actor, we have to do stuff to fit within the character." He revealed that in order to look beautiful, he had to reveal handsomness and collarbones. "Hwang Kyung Tae is a character known to be cool and easily make friends with music. He also said that by losing weight, it also helps him get into character.

After losing weight, the actor currently weighs 60kg.

He also thanked for having an excellent acting ability to act as the "bad guy" Hwang Tae Kyung because the character Jang Geun Suk plays is currently one of the audience favorite.

SBS You're Beautiful will air its final episodes this week on Wednesday and Thursday at 21:55 till November 26.

[News} Julukan Jang Geuns Suk dari Netizen, "Skeleton Boy" - Netizens call Jang Geun Suk “Skeleton Boy”

Sepanjang pengetahuan banyak fans You're Beautiful, Jang Geun Suk mengungkapkan sisi baru dari dirinya setelah mengambil peran Hwang Tae Kyung, lead yang keren dan karismatik dari band fiksi ANJELL, dengan gaya rambut yang unik dan bahkan selera fashion yang lebih unik. Namun,untuk mencapai ketenarannya itu, tidaklah mudah karena ia harus mengurangi berat badan sampai 7 kilogram untuk peran ini. Check out foto sebelum dan sesudah di bawah ini:

Seperti yang Anda lihat, Jang kehilangan sedikit berat di wajah dan leher, serta lengannya. Tampaknya netizens Korea, yang sangat "perhatian", berkomentar bahwa dia menjadi “skeleton-esque minam (good-looking male),” “skull minam” (cowok tengkorak) and “bone-deep minam.”

Menanggapi ini, Jang mengatakan, "Saya merasa bahwa saya harus kehilangan ini 7 kilogram untuk menggambarkan Tae Kyung lebih baik. Saya bukan tipe untuk senang menjaga tubuh yang terlalu kurus, tapi belakangan saya menikmati bisa memakai kemeja longgar. Juga, ini adalah penurunan berat badan demi peran saya, jadi ini adalah sesuatu yang harus saya lakukan sebagai seorang aktor. "

Ia juga menambahkan, "Tae Kyung adalah seorang musisi, dia seorang pria yang penuh dengan logika dan bukan orang yang emosional, ia selalu penuh perhitungan di segala tindakannya. Seorang pria seperti itu jelas orang yang merawat penampilannya dengan ekstra hati-hati, jadi saya ingin menggambarkan dia seperti itu. Dan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik seperti seorang seniman, aku menurunkan berat badan sampai  7 kilogram untuk peran ini. "

Yah, aku harus mengakui bahwa Jang kehilangan banyak berat badan, tapi saya tidak berpikir ia tampak manorexic atau tidak sehat. Dan dia melakukan pekerjaan yang fantastis menggambarkan Hwang Kyung Tae, tidakkah Anda setuju? *setojoooooo...sukkie oppa hwaiting^^V* Indonesian Translation by<

As many You’re Beautiful fans know, Jang Geun Suk has been revealing a new side of himself after taking on the role of Hwang Tae Kyung, the cool and charismatic leader of the fictional band A.N.JELL, with his unique hairstyle and an even more unique fashion sense . However, his climb to faux-fame, so to speak, was not an easy one since he had to shed 7 kilograms (which is around 15 pounds) for the role. Check out the before-and-afters below:

As you can see, Jang lost a bit of weight in his face and neckline, as well as his arms. It seems Korean netizens, being as attentive and stalkerish as always, have not failed to realize this as well, since they have described him to be a “skeleton-esque minam (good-looking male),” “skull minam” and “bone-deep minam.”
In response to this insight, Jang has said, “I felt that I needed to lose these 7 kilograms to portray Tae Kyung better. I wasn’t the type to enjoy maintaining an overly skinny body, but I’ve been enjoying wearing loose shirts nowadays. Also, this weight loss was for my role so this was something I had to do as an actor.”

He also added, “Tae Kyung is a musical guy but he’s more of a reason-centric guy rather than an emotion-centric one, and is the type to be more calculating toward his actions. A guy like that is obviously a guy who takes care of his appearance with extra care, so I wanted to portray him like that. And in order to portray the characteristics of such an artist, I lost 7 kilograms for the role.”
Well, I must admit that Jang’s lost some weight, but I don’t think he looks manorexic or unhealthy. And he’s done such a fantastic job portraying Hwang Tae Kyung, wouldn’t you agree?
At any rate, you can tune into the season finale of You’re Beautiful, which is set to air on Wednesday and Thursday night. (Oh good God, why must it end?!)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jang Geun Suk gets more popular with ‘You’re Beautiful’ soundtrack

 Aktor Korea Jang Geun Suk semakin populer berkat OST dari 'You're Beautiful'. Dia menyanyikan dua lagu 'Good Bye' dan 'Silent' di edisi kedua OST  'You're Beautiful' . Lagu 'Good Bye' mengekspresikan rasa cinta Hwang Tae Kyung untuk Go Mi Nam. Ini adalah lagu romantis dengan lirik yang emosional. Lagu ini menarik banyak dukungan setelah publisitas pekan lalu.

'Silent adalah lagu yang dinyanyikan sendiri oleh Jang Geun Suk dalam drama. Lagu ini telah menjadi topik hangat bahkan sebelum itu terdaftar. Fans mengeluh karena tidak adanya publikasi  untuk lagu ini.

Netizens memuji: "Kedengarannya bagus, merasa seperti jatuh ke dalam lagu. Meskipun aktingnya tidak buruk, tetapi ia menyanyikannya dengan  benar-benar baik. Dia menafsirkan lagu dengan perasaan yang sangat baik. Dia bagus dalam berakting, bernyanyi dan penampilan. Dia adalah seseorang yang sempurna."

Kemampuan bernyanyi Jang Geun Suk mulai diakui sejak ia menyanyikan lagu-lagu rock di film 'Happy Life'. Pada bulan Januari tahun lalu, ia bernyanyi untuk Etude . Kemudian pada bulan Januari tahun ini, ia juga bernyanyi dalam drama TV Korea 'Beethoven Virus' soundtrack Bagian II. Pada bulan Februari, ia menyanyikan lagu MP3 Samsung Yepp dan pada bulan September, dia menyanyikan Samsung terbaru iklan lagu 'Just Drag. Indonesian Translation by<

Korean actor Jang Geun Suk gets more popular with the OST of ‘You’re Beautiful’. He participated and sang two songs ‘Good Bye’ and ‘Silent’ in the second edition of the ‘You’re Beautiful’ soundtrack.The song ‘Good Bye’ express the feeling of Hwang Tae Kyun love for Go Mi Nam. It’s a romantic song with emotional lyrics. The song received a lot of support after last week publicity.

‘Silent’s  is a song sang by Jang Geun Suk himself in the drama. This song has became a hot topic even before it was listed. Fans complaints that there is no publicity of this song.

Netizens praised: “Sounds nice, feel like fallen into the song. Although his acting is not bad, but the singing is really nice. He interpreted the song with a very good feelings. He’s good in acting, singing and appearance. He is the perfect man.”

Jang Geun Suk has been recognized for his singing when he sang the rock songs in the movie ‘Happy Life’. In January last year, he sang for the Etude House commercials songs. Then in January this year, he also sang in the Korean TV drama ‘Beethoven Virus’ Part II soundtrack. In February, he sang the Samsung MP3 Yepp song and in September, he sang the latest Samsung ads song ‘Just Drag.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jang Geun Suk’s 100 hairstyles from “You’re Beautiful”

*** ini gambar yang ngumpulin cewek fans 'a jang geun suk, katanya ada 100 model rambut hwang tae kyung di drama ini. gile ye... yar pake model jabrik , sukkie teteeep cute . keun suk aaahhh...saranghae***

Despite a stiff competition from KBS drama “Iris,” SBS drama “You’re Beautiful” is faring quite well, mostly thanks to young teenagers who are immersed with the idol world.

The drama is not only a hit in Korea, but in China as well, as Chinese fans even held a special buffet for the cast and crew of “You’re Beautiful.” Additionally, after each episode, the cast members’ names would immediately rise as the most searched on various portal sites. The drama remains to be a hot topic in online noticeboards, with female viewers in a frenzy over the engrossing plot and dashingly handsome male actors.
One netizen, in particular, who apparently has way too much spare time on her hands is a huge fan of the drama, accumulated photos of the different hairstyles the A.N.JELL leader (played by Jang Geun Suk) had in the drama – all 100 of them – and created a massive collage to share; she called it, “Hwang Tae Kyung’s Hairstyles.”

From the parody of the film “Old Boy” to SNSD’s “Tell Me Your Wish,” Jang Geun Suk’s character flaunts a wide variety hairstyles throughout the drama that is just as eccentric as his personality.
Furthermore, his ‘dos and ‘don’ts have been categorized under “Elvis hair” and “apple hair.” Even Tae Kyung’s “slippery hair,” coined from his cleanly slicked-back hair, has been of great interest to the public.
While watching Jang Geun Suk’s amusing facial expressions and ever-changing hairstyles, netizens have left many comments praising the actor:
“It’s amazing. How can he look so good with that kind of hair?”
“Those hairstyles aren’t easy to pull off, but they suit him well.”
“Jang Geun Seok looks pretty with his hair tied up.”
Regardless of the hairstyle he has, Jang Geun Suk remains as beautiful as ever. If only all the kids in my high school years pulled off the emo ‘do as well as he did…
Besides, anyone who can outrun an attacking pig in an open field is pretty awesome in my book.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

[BTS Picture] HwangTae Kyung + Jeremy + Shin Woo = Roti Lapis ANJELL *yummy.....* A.N.Jell to make a body sandwich?

Plot unik You're Beautiful yang berpusat di sekitar kehidupan grup idola benar-benar mendapat tempat di hati penonton muda dan tua. Pada Episode 9, yang disiarkan pada tanggal 4, semua karakter termasuk ANJELL sendiri berkumpul di karaoke untuk merayakan debut Go Mi Nam sebagai artis solo. Ternyata mereka tidak hanya senang menyanyi dan menari, seperti terlihat pada foto BTS (behind the scene) yang diambil oleh seorang penggemar di lokasi syuting Check them out:


Who are the A.N.Jell, you ask? None other than the rookie four member idol group that’s hitting their number one spots, of course! Still not familiar? That’s probably because they are only real in a drama, SBS You’re Beautiful. The series had recently been gaining tons of spotlights with their stellar casting of the hotties, like Jang Geun Suk and Lee Hong Ki. The unique plot centered around a life of an idol group truly captured the hearts of the viewers young and old.

 On Episode 9, which aired on the 4th, the characters including the A.N.Jell themselves gathered at a karaoke to celebrate Go Mi Nam’s debut as a solo artist. I guess singing and dancing weren’t the only excitement they had, for the unseen photos taken by a fan on set have just been surfaced. Check them out:

Woah there, slow down, you beast!

What are you staring at? Get on, Shinwoo!

Um… enjoying a bit too much?

Wow, talk about a hot sandwich! Don’t be jealous girls. I’m pretty sure you all will one day be smashed between these two hot buns… or not.

Jang Geun Suk, 100% Jewel !

Drama Seri SBS "You're Beautiful" (disutradarai oleh Hong Sung Chang, ditulis oleh Hong Jung Eun dan Hong Mi Ran, disingkat menjadi "Beautiful") pemimpin pop band ANJELL, Hwang Tae-Kyung yang dingin tetapi tampan, dimainkan oleh Jang Geun Suk yang menerima pujian atas aktingnya dalam peran ini.

Di film terakhirnya "Itaewon Murder Case" yang bercerita tentang pembunuhan intens, ia memainkan peran "Pearson". Dalam "Beautiful", Jang Geun Suk secara jenius memerankan keterampilan dan keahlian bermain piano yang tampak sempurna, tapi misteri kelahiran, rabun senja, tidur sambil berjalan, alergi serbuk sari dan kerang , dll tidak cocok, dan dia karakter yang sangat karismatik dan lucu (Hwang Tae-Kyung) seperti peran utama di kebanyakan drama.

Dan sekali lagi dalam "Beautiful", Jang Geun Suk memperkuat kemampuan aktingny, seperti dalam film sebelumnya dan drama.

Board message "Beautiful" mengatakan bahwa "'Beautitul' adalah karya terbaik dari karir akting Jang Geun Suk sejauh ini, dan dia baru saja memulainya (karir akting). Jang Geun Suk yang tampan seperti permata. Saya tidak dapat membayangkan jika orang lain yang memerankan Hwang Tae-Kyung selain Jang Geun Suk. Peran Hwang Tae-Kyung adalah peran yang hanya bisa dimainkan oleh Jang Geun Suk saja. Jang Geun Suk berakting seperti seorang pangeran, 100% " Karena itu, reputasi Jang Geun Suk sebagai aktor meningkat..

Direktur Fotografi "Beautiful" memuji Jang Geun Suk, mengatakan, "Jang Geun Suk berakting sebagai penyanyi utama, karena suaranya sangat stabil dan sangat baik, dan analisis karakter yang membuat aktingnya luarbiasa. Selain itu, pengetahuan tentang ritme dan intonasi, serta kemampuannya untuk menghidupkan wajahnya, mata, dan emosi, dia selalu mencoba hal baru, belajar dan terus berkembang. "

6 hari yang lalu, Jang Geun Suk menghadiri Daejong 46 International Film Festival Awards untuk film "Itaewon Murder Case" dimana ia dinominasikan untuk Aktor Pendukung Terbaik . Pada menit2 terakhir, ia bertemu dengan fans, yang memuji dia dari karya besarnya.  Indonesian Translation by<

Credit: ArtNews

SBS Drama Series “You’re Beautiful” (directed by Hong Sung Chang, written by Hong Jung Eun and Hong Mi Ran; shortened to “Beautiful”) the leader of the pop group A.N.Jell, the cold but handsome Hwang Tae-Kyung, played by Jang Geun Suk received praise for his acting in this role.

His latest movie “Itaewon Murder Case” which contains an intense murder, he played the role of “Pearson”. In “Beautiful”, Jang Geun Suk’s genius composing skills and piano playing skills seem perfect, but the mysterious birth, night blindness, sleepwalking, pollen and shellfish allergies, etc. don’t match, and he’s a very charismatic and comical character, which “Hwang Tae-Kyung”, like most starring roles are.

And once again in “Beautiful”, Jang Geun Suk’s is reinforcing his acting position, like in previous movies and dramas.

“Beautiful” message boards say that ” ‘Beautitul’ is the best work of Jang Geun Suk’s acting career so far, and he’s only just started. I want to raise that until the meantime I though that great lines made a great actor, although the ‘handsome’ looks of Jang Geun Suk was another attraction. The ‘handsome’ Jang Geun Suk is a jewel. I can not imagine the acting of such a character as Hwang Tae-Kyung by anyone other than Jang Geun Suk. The role of Hwang Tae-Kyung is a role that can played by Jang Geun Suk only. Jang Geun Suk performs like a prince, 100%.” Because of this, viewer opinions of Jang Geun Suk’s reputation as an actor has increased.

The “Beautiful” Director of Photography praised Jang Geun Suk, saying, “Jang Geun Suk’s acting as the main singer, due to his very stable and very good voice and analysis of the character make for excellent acting. In addition, his knowledge of rhythm and intonation, as well as his ability to animate his face, eyes, and emotions, he’s always trying new things, learning and evolving.”

6 days ago, Jang Geun Suk attended the Daejong 46th International Film Festival Awards for the film “Itaewon Murder Case” and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role. On his last few minutes on the set (of the awards), he met with fans, who praised him of his great work.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jang Geun Suk leaves message on ‘You’re Beautiful’ homepage

Halo pemirsa  'You're Beautiful'. Saya Jang Geun Suk, saat ini saya berperan sebagai Hwang Taekyung dalam 'You're Beautiful'. Saya sebenarnya berencana untuk menulis sesuatu di sini sebelum seri dimulai tetapi karena syuting dan jadwal yang ketat saya ... 

Saya benar-benar terlambat kali ini ^ ^ 

Sudah sebulan sejak 'You're Beautiful' ditayangkan dimulai. Kami tidak memiliki banyak adegan yang selesai, kita hanya syuting tepat sebelum episode berjalan di udara. Oleh karena itu, baik para aktor dan staf merasa mendapat tekanan. Mungkin karena kita punya kerja sama yang baik sebagai pada set 'You're Beautiful' atau mungkin disebabkan oleh para aktor muda, tapi saya merasa syuting ini paling menyenangkan dari yang pernah saya lakukan

 Saya kira sebagian besar dari Anda mengetahui hal ini tetapi kami akhirnya mencapai 2 digit (untuk peringkat pemirsa). Sekalipun mungkin ada orang yang ragu bahwa kita bisa melakukannya dengan baik karena kita hanya sekelompok pelaku benar-benar masih muda, atau orang yang mungkin akan lebih tertarik pada drama lain yang saat ini ditayangkan, sekarang ada lebih banyak lagi orang yang akan bilang 'Ah ~' ketika judul drama adalah disebutkan dan lebih banyak orang yang akan mengingat drama ini. Kita tidak memiliki sumber daya dan dukungan untuk membuat sebuah drama yang megah, tetapi melalui semangat dan kerja sama tim besar, kami, para aktor dan staf bekerja keras untuk menunjukkan kepada semua orang bahwa ini adalah sebuah drama yang baik. Dan komentar indah dan perhatian yang ditnjukkan setiap orang kepada kita,  telah menjadi sumber kekuatan bagi kami. (Saya selalu memeriksa peringkat pencarian kami di berbagai situs portal ^ ^ )

 Sejujurnya, sebagai pemimpin AN Jell, aku merasa kasihan pada dongsaengs saya. Kami ingin menunjukkan drama ini kepada lebih banyak orang tetapi peringkat pemirsa ternyata lebih rendah dari yang kami harapkan. Saya mulai bertanya-tanya apakah itu karena saya tidak berhasil membawakan seluruh karakter Taekyung Hwang dengan baik atau jika itu disebabkan oleh Jang Geun Suk hingga orang tidak dapat menerima drama ini .... Pikiran seperti itu banyak terlintas dalam pikiran saya ..
(Karena aku tipe darah A, y'know) (T / N: Tipe A diketahui perfeksionis) 

Tapi aku tidak berpikir seperti itu sekarang. Aku tidak akan lagi terpaku hanya pada peringkat pemirsa. Melihat aktor2 muda yang berusaha keras untuk merangkul karakter mereka, membuat saya sadar bahwa saya seharusnya belajar dari mereka. Aku sudah memikirkan untuk menyerah karena terlalu sulit. Saya tidak menyangka ternyata sangat menyenangkan memimpin grup aktor-aktor muda yang belum berpengalaman memegang script mereka, bercanda di set dan meneliti bagaimana mengekspresikan adegan tertentu. ^ ^
Eepisode minggu ini akan menjadi titik balik drama ini. Baru-baru ini, bukan hanya saya tetapi juga semua rekan kerja saya syuting secara terus menerus. 

Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik sampai akhir. Tolong beri kami cinta dan opini ^ ^
Jang Geun Suk sebagai ... .. Taekyung mempersiapkan untuk syuting adegan 19 episode 8 di SBS Ilsan Tanhyun G-Studio. 
Indonesian Translation by<
Cr: bestiz

 Hello viewers of ‘You’re Beautiful’. This is Jang Geun Suk, currently taking on the role of Hwang Taekyung in ‘You’re Beautiful’. I actually planned to write something here before the series began but because of filming and my tight schedule…

I was really late this time ^^

It has already been a month since ‘You’re Beautiful’ started airing. We don’t have many finished scenes; we just shoot right before the episode goes on air. Therefore, both the actors and the staff are feeling the strain. Maybe it’s because we’ve got great teamwork on the set of’ You’re Beautiful’ or maybe it’s cause of the young actors, but this has to the most fun and enjoyable drama I’ve ever filmed.
I suppose most of you know this but we finally hit the 2 figure mark last week (for viewership ratings). Although there might be people who doubt that we could do well since we’re a group of really young actors, or people who might be more interested in other dramas that are currently airing, there are now more people who will go ‘Ah~’ when the drama’s title is mentioned and more people who remember this drama. We might not have the resources and support to make this drama a magnificent one, but through our passion and great teamwork, we, the actors and the staffs are working hard to show everyone that this is a good drama. And the lovely words and interest that everyone has shown us has been a great source of strength to us.

(I always check our search rankings on various portal sites ^^)

Truthfully, as the leader of AN Jell, I feel sorry to my dongsaengs. We wanted to show this drama to more people but the viewership ratings were lower than we expected. I started to wonder if it was because I didn’t manage to bring across the Hwang Taekyung character well or if it’s because of Jang Geun Suk that people cannot accept this drama….many such thoughts crossed my mind..

(Cause I’m an A blood type, you know) (T/N: Type A’s are known to be perfectionists)

But I don’t think that way now. I won’t dwell on just viewership ratings. Looking at the other younger actors striving so hard to embrace their characters makes me realize that I should be the one learning from them. I’ve thought of giving up because it was too tough. I didn’t expect it to be so satisfying leading this group of inexperienced young actors holding their scripts, joking on set and researching how to express a particular scene. ^^

This week’s episodes will be the half point mark for this drama. Recently, not just me but also all my co-workers have just been shooting continuously.

We’ll do our best all the way to the very end. Till then, please give us your love and opinions ^^

Jang Geun Suk as…..Taekyung preparing to shoot the 19th scene of episode 8 at SBS Ilsan Tanhyun G-Studio.

Cr: bestiz


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jawaban dari Jang Geun Suk

mian, terjemahinnya diringkas dolooo yak, abis lg rempong nh gw, here goes nothing...*

Di puncak kesuksesannya Jang Geun Suk tetap memperhatikan pendidikan akademisnya *ya eyalaa...nae nampyoen geto loohh...*. Setelah menyelesaikan drama “You’re Beautiful” dan film “Murder of Lee Tae Won,” pemuda berumur 22 tahun  *aaiihhh...brondongnya maakkk...sluurrpps..* kembali menikmati kehidupan kampusnya, belajar dan berbaur dengan mahasiswa lainnya. *mauu dwooong jd temen kul nya sukkiee..*.  Baru-baru ini di sekolahnya, ia bersedia menjawab 12 pertanyaan

*highlightnya aje yee..terutama yg aye suka dr sukkie, penonton dilarang protes :p*

Tanya: Katanya kamu berhenti, gak mau clubbing lagi, knpa?
JGS: Gw sebenernya gak suka tempat yg rame, bising. tapi gak tau deh, bisa juga nti gw balik clubbing lagi
*omo banget nih sukkie, jhoaaa...*

Tanya: Gol Darah?
A . Gw pikir itu kali sebabnya kenapa gw tuh pemalu. Kalo ada orang yg nyakitin gw, biarpun itu cuma bercanda, gw pasti kepikiran lama banget. Gw jga baru diet kalo ada orang yg komen "lo mau jadi idola babi?" *kurang ajaaarrrrrr tuh orang, mana sini gw timpukin argghhh*  Komen kayak gitu bakalan keinget mulu. Oya, gw juga termasuk orang yang gampang nurunin berat badan, tapi gampang juga naiknya.
*kecuali urusan diet, nae nampyoen nih 11 12 ama gw, jodoh kayaknya :p*

Tanya: Punya pacar ?
JGS: Lagi gak punya, pengen sih...
*come to mama wuahahahahaha -devilish laugh*

*udah dulu y, kapan2 (kapan yak? qiqiqiqiq) nyambung lagee*

Dibawah artikel aslinya yee

Jang Geun Suk Answers 12 Questions

Aside from his stream of successes, actor Jang Geun Suk still leads on in his educational side of his life. With his new drama the 22 year-old enjoys his campus life; studying hard and being one with other University students. He recently agreed to answer 12 questions in-school.

1. I heard the famous acting teacher Choi Hyung-In from Hanyang University praised you for your acting?
Yes he did. He saw me in “Hwang Ji-Yi” and his praises bloomed from then on. He even offered me a part in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

2. You said that you loved clubbing but you stopped. Why?
I quit clubbing, but in return, I was given a “private place.” I hang out with my friends and party there. And besides, I don’t really like meeting people at crowded, loud places. But who knows, I might go clubbing again.

3. What’s your bloodtype?
I’m an A. I guess that’s why I’m so timid. When someone tells me something rude or hurtful, even when it’s light or jokeful, I tend to hold on to that for a long time. Before I started dieting, I got a comment saying “Are you going to be a piggy idol?” That comment still lingers around my head. Also I’m the type that loses weight fast, then gains it all again.

4. There’s been competition between “You’re Beautiful” and “Iris”
When “Beethoven Virus” was airing, it was always sided with “Kingdom of Wind” and “The Painter of Wind.” I’m looking forward to “Iris,” but I’m not that worried about it. I have confidence in “You’re Beautiful.”

5. Your lines in “Murder of Lee Tae Won” were 99% English, and they were fantastic! Did you feel any burden with the English lines? You could go into Hollywood movies.
A Hollywood career would be nice. But right now, there are so many flaws I have yet to fix. As for the English lines… well before shooting, I was nearly shaking in fear. I wanted to get it perfect, but I didn’t have much confidence. The character I’m playing is part Mexican so I had to do it well. And because I enjoyed reading the script so much, I knew I had to do it and I hated to think that someone else were to play this part.

6. “Murder of Lee Tae Won” was a low-budget film, wasn’t it?
Yes. And because of that we were all payed very little. But it was a good opportunity for me to try new things and prove myself that I can play all kinds of roles. As an actor, I think that was the biggest hit for me.

7. What was the most difficult while shooting the film?
The character I’m playing has a bipolar personality and outlook on things. It was like playing two characters. My character believes he didn’t commit the murder, while he actually did. His mindset is completely different from his actions, so I had to be careful not to show off any signs that he (the character) is 100% innocent as I had to also show that bipolar side of him. It was very difficult to control and balance out the two sides.

8. I heard that things have changed a lot for you?
I don’t really care all that much about my looks now. It’s most likely because my coordinators and hair designers do pretty much everything for me. I’m trying to perfect myself as an actor. I guess caring too much about your looks lessens the chance of that.

9. What is your goal this year?
I’m trying to get over all the obstacles that get in my way in acting.

10. You’re claustrophobic?
Yeah. When we were recording the OST for “Beethoven Virus,” it was hard for me to be in the recording room for a long time. It just so small in there. So I drank before I did the recordings.

11. Do you have a girlfriend? How many relationships have you been in?
No, although I’d like to. I’ve loved two women in my life. One relationship lasted for about four years and a half, the other lasted about three years. I even dated when I was in high school. My type would be women like Jun In-hwa. I like benevolent and calm women.

12. You’ve worked with Jung Jin-young. How was that?
While filming “Murder,” he didn’t approach me like I was some fresh faced actor, but as a genuine friend and co-worker. He has such a dedicated passion for acting, it’s more like an obsession. I want that kind of passion. Even off camera, he continues to strive for better performance. I still keep Jin-young sunbae’s advices close to heart. They will be useful later on in the future.