
Friday, March 7, 2008

[Video] [Picture] [Behind the Scene] Jang Geun Suk - Hong Gil Dong Special Cut

Para pemain drama berkumpul setelah syuting film berakhir, semua masih mengenakan kostum mereka. Karena jalan cerita memiliki alur yang berbeda, beberapa aktor baru bisa saling bertemu di saat itu.

Jang Geun Suk melihat2 kostum yang dipakainya di drama. Ia kemudian membagikan pizza untuk para aktor di lokasi syuting. Acara spesial ini (melihat Jang Geun Suk memakai streetwear, misalnya) menunjukkan jauhnya perbedaan usia antara kehidupan nyata dan usia di drama mereka - Jang Geun Suk adalah aktor termuda (20), Sung Yuri 27, dan Kang Ji Hwan 31. Dalam kehidupan nyata, Jang Geun Suk jauh lebih menyenangkan dan belum dewasa (dan saya tidak mengartikannya secara  negatif -  dia hanya perlu waktu untuk menjadi dewasa karena dia baru saja beranjak dari masa remajanya) dibandingkan dengan karakternya sebagai pangeran Chang Hwe di drama.

Hubungan antara para aktor tampak cukup bersahabat. Jang Geun Suk bergurau bahwa Yuri noona selalu datang duduk di dekatnya, tidak peduli di mana ia (Jang Gen Suk) memilih untuk duduk (Yuri menjawab bahwa itu adalah usahanya untuk mencuri energi muda Suk).

Beberapa NG - Kang Ji Hwan tertawa saat adegan Sung Yuri mencari pouch dalam bajunya, dan Jang Geun Suk berakting serius di atas "kuda" (padahal Suk cuma duduk di atas tangga doang qeqe)- repost dari

cute ^^

that face expression reminds  me of hwang tae kyung, huh?

yuri noona tried to steal suk's youthful soul qeqe

riding "horse" scene :p

The cast gathered after filming concluded on the last episode, all still dressed in their standard costumes. Because of the way the stories divided up the cast members, some actors were just meeting for the first time — Jang Geun Seok and the actor playing Merchant Wang, for instance, as well as Merchant Wang and Jo Hee Bong (playing Kwang Whe).

Jang Geun Seok took the camera behind the scenes for a bit, looking through his costumes and delivering pizza to the actors on set. The special (seeing him in streetwear, for instance) only heightened the real-life age differences that are completely different from their drama ages — Jang Geun Seok is the youngest main cast member (20), Sung Yuri is 27, and Kang Ji Hwan is 31 (Korean age 32). In real life, Jang Geun Seok’s much more playful and immature (and I don’t mean that negatively — just that he’s got some growing up to do still, since he’s barely out of adolescence) than his character, while Sung Yuri seems rather self-aware and coy. Kang Ji Hwan speaks extremely well and strikes me as a very savvy sort of guy — he knows how to present himself confidently and comfortably. He conveys sincerity but I feel like we’re definitely not getting the whole picture, which is what I mean by savvy. It’s a mature-actor (or is it serious-actor?) trait, I think.

The rapport between the actors seemed pretty friendly, more for some actors like Gom and Yeon. Jang Geun Seok joked that his “Yuri noona” would always come sit by him, no matter where he chose to sit (she answered that it was to steal his youthful energy).

A few NG scenes — Kang Ji Hwan bursting into laughter when Sung Yuri feels him up, and repeatedly losing a hold on his weapon in a fight scene, and Jang Geun Seok delivering a convincingly serious line on “horseback” — repost from